Ilhan Omar and her White Sugar Daddy

So not ok for Trump but fine for Ilhan Omar?

by Skip

It has certainly been clear that the husband swapping, “divorce in my faith” US CongressTwit Ilhan Omar has a bit more of an ethical dilemma as in “fine for me and not for thee: SHOT: Orange man bad – impeach him! CHASER:  “Ilhan Omar Admits She Ran For Office In Part To Get The Government … Read more

Illiberal Left Excludes Freedom Loving People

The statistics showing who gets abortions do not prevent movements like #ShoutYourAbortion from claiming the name liberal. Lindy West, Amelia Bonow, and Kimberly Morrison started this particular social media campaign.  They have been widely publicized. How sad is that? Black women should understand the CDC says there are proportionally 5.7 times as many abortions in … Read more

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