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Ruling Class

A Reminder: Our “Ruling Class” Will Continue To Ignore Us Until WE Decide They Can’t

But when will that Preference Cascade, that tipping point, happen? From Angelo Codvilla, a Professor from my alma mater (BU) that DID make me feel grand to have matriculated from there (twice).  Emphasis mine As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, …

A Reminder: Our “Ruling Class” Will Continue To Ignore Us Until WE Decide They Can’t Read More »

Mark Levin

Red Wave Math With Mark Levin (Why It Was Never Meant to Be)

From Life, Liberty, and Levin, Mark takes a few minutes for post-election analysis to discuss the math behind the 2022 Midterms and the unlikelihood of a sweeping red wave. He also touches on who was predicting it, who they protected, who they threw under the bus, and why 2024 is the year to watch.

US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Another Angle on the Left’s Unity Lie

The party of no-fault divorce has us on a collision course with an arranged marriage and no escape clause. A union in which you are the abused spouse, and they are your Police State “partner” complete with trust, drinking, and anger issues.

Ken Paxton

Texans Must Reelect Ken Paxton

Time after time, in every election many politicians promise everything, and once elected deliver very little or nothing. Ken Paxton has been a welcome exception throughout his tenure.