As the despotic political establishment notches an increasing number of victories, it is up to us to rise and meet that challenge in the name of Liberty.
[partial transcript]
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done one of these but with good reason.
As a way of explanation, we need to accept a few things first. There is a statist establishment. It runs Washington DC, and it is run by the Democrat party. We see its end game in their priorities. They want us to live in homes that are smaller that are a bit colder in the winter and a bit hotter in the summer.
They prefer us clustered into cities they run, limited to transportation the control. We are to accept fewer options for travel, be it local, statewide, national, or global. They have a plan for what we should eat, how, and how often. They will decide what medications we need, when, and how often, if we are even eligible, and how we should be treated if we dare say no.
4 min 16 sec