Here’s Why Conservatives Can’t Trust RFK Jr.

There’s a lot of chatter right now about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., even though he won’t even be on many states ballots this fall, let alone actually scoring one single electoral vote in November’s election. And while they may know his name, many voters know little about him or his policies to make an informed decision one … Read more

Bananas Halloween Activism Spooktackular!

It was an odd year for Halloween here in Vermont.  Typically Halloween is used as an opportunity to either conjure up the dead or celebrate those who’ve passed on into the great mortuary in the sky.  In contrast to our banal day-to-day lives Halloween gives us a chance to play the impish tricksters or treat our neighbors to the fright of their lives.

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Vivek and RFK jr

Bobby and Vivek

I listened to RFK Jr speak at PorcFest. I listened to Vivek being interviewed by Tucker Carlson at the Family Leadership Summit. I have some deep disagreements with both of these candidates on what I take to be fundamental issues.

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