Steve Bannon Just Said, No One Would Expect This, But We Did – Four Weeks Ago

Steve Bannon thinks Kari Lake would make a great Vice Presidential Candidate, and he’s right. She’d be a blast on a national campaign, but the battle for Arizona continues as are musing she’d be up for a run at the US Senate. Given that possibility, Bannon brought up another idea.


Bannon noted that during his Q&A he said, “Somebody asked about Robert F. Kennedy and the great speech at Hillsdale, his opening speech, and what did I think about his prospects.”

And I said, “Look, I’m a Kari Lake person, but if Kari Lake becomes governor, as she should if this court case, or if not, she runs for the Senate. If she’s not available to be Trump’s VP that Bobby Kennedy would be, I think, be an excellent choice for President Trump to consider. There was a standing ovation and this was a very hardcore MAGA war room posse crowd,” Bannon explained.


Given the political divide, whoever wins the Republican nomination needs a massive lead that even the Democrats won’t have time to find enough ballots. Stop scoffing, they’ve been doing that for a lot longer than a few years, and given the challenge, you need more moderate Dems to vote for the GOP ticket. You could get some mileage out of a Tulsi Gabbard, but she left The Left, at least on paper. Kennedy is a Democrat, and while his stance on the Public Health Industrial Complex is anathem to progs, he’d bring his concerns to a national audience and…attract Democrats.

That’s not to say any GOP ticket wouldn’t. In 2020 Trump was sweeping them up at the polls, just not after hours. No one was blocking out windows, lying about the plumbing, or pulling suitcases full of “ballots” out from under tables for Trump. That’s going to happen again. You’ll need a strategy. And I get that Trump wants the GOP to ballot harvest everywhere it’s legal. Do unto the Dems as they do unto you. But it’s sketchy, and you have to plan for them to be better at it. So does Trump-Kennedy or DeSantis-Kennedy get it done?

We thought so. Four weeks ago, we shared an Op-Ed that suggested precisely that.


I’ve read recently that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has expressed an interest in running for President.

In my opinion, you should reach out to him and engage him as your Vice Presidential running mate, make it public, and let James O’Keefe make the announcement.

This will explode a lot of heads and invigorate your base and instantly pull in the democrats that don’t like how far left Biden has taken their party and destroyed the country. These folks are in shock, and Kennedy will bring them to MAGA.


Is it a good idea, bad idea, or great idea, and not just because one of our readers thought of it or Steve Bannon suggested it? Kennedy has come around a bit, but he is still a Democrat. And he would be one heartbeat away, as they say. And before you answer, check out these clips from his Hillsdale speech, if you’ve not seen them or it.

Is he still a no?


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