You Are No Longer Entitled to a "Second Opinion"? - Granite Grok

You Are No Longer Entitled to a “Second Opinion”?

Bike Stick fall Meme Science and Identy Politics

I was watching Tucker on Twitter episode six, and he featured a story about an insufferable prick named Dr. Peter Hoetez. You’ve likely heard of him. Twitter users have amassed millions for his favorite charity if he will debate Robert Kennedy Jr. on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

The “Hoe” still refuses. It is beneath him. “One typically doesn’t debate science,” Hotez said.

The science of COVID, as with the Climate, is not open to debate. There is a revered text, psalms refigured to music, and a series of repetitious actions (kneel, sit, stand, and genuflect). These are their stations of the cross; masks, distancing, and mRNA vaccines that – like the CDC’s hospital protocols – are divine inventions of man and proof of Scientism’s will on earth.

Put another way; there is no second opinion. You can’t have one, get one, or believe one if it is not identical to the first opinion—another sheep in the heard or voice in the choir. You can’t ask another nurse, internist, or surgeon if they have thoughts outside the approved narrative. Excommunication awaits those deviating from the “faith.”

No Modern Martin Luther, No Galileo

Martin Luther is revered as a true member of the resistance to the tyranny of his time, but anyone who attempts to nail lists on the CDC’s “church” door shall be canceled, “losing their jobs, their professional standing, their health, friends and family, even their children,” to quote Transcriber B. Denied a voice for practicing what can only be called the 21st-century equivalent of witchcraft—a theory of motion outside the approved dogma of the day that challenges the true COVIDISM.

Whatever the matter, the response to such heresy is medieval. Or, perhaps a better comparison might be Colonial Salem, Feb 1692 – May 1693—another “notorious case of mass hysteria.” Except that the modern one has taken an interesting turn. The 21st-century Court of Oyer and Terminer has released to the public reams of modern digital scrolls outlining how, in detail, the anti-science deniers were correct. Plain as day, in black and white.

From the CDC, FDA, and public health bureaucrats. It is not a secret anymore. There was more than one person behind the curtain hiding important details, but expert pricks like Dr. Peter Hoetez continue to spew that which the divine source itself has been forced to admit were either half-truths or lies. You can also find it in ads funded by the State of New Hampshire on Gas Station TV. Pay too much for gas and get trolled by the NHDHHS. Get the latest COVID vaccine!

Sure, the suppressed science has been forced out of the dark by court order, but that does not mean that these Pharisees of public health need to read them out loud—quite the opposite. They continue to repeat their lies, and when challenged, they call you liars, frauds, racists, and murderers. Your choice is still their choice or their choice, despite your having a right to a second opinion. Even the website patient assures you of the right to a second opinion, a site that appears to be another victim of COVID Cash capture.

It’s tragic.

And while there continue to be acknowledgments that the COVID pandemic could have been handled differently, very little of that finds its way out of the mouths of many doctors, researchers, and scientists who are supposed to question everything. Who, instead, refuse to be challenged because to do so could give credibility to other arguments—the opposite of science.



