Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is More In Tune With GOP Voters Than The Non-Trump Presidential Candidates

Of the many silly arguments the NeverTrump grifters bloviate, one of the silliest is that their candidates, unlike Trump, are electable. These NeverTrump grifters are, at best, delusional or, at worst, simply lying. Polls consistently show that GOP voters no longer support forever-wars … voters are savvy enough to understand that it’s Mitch McConnell’s inflation as much as Joe Biden’s … and to understand that you can’t end the “weaponization” of government when Kevin McCarthy’s House GOP fully funds the corrupt government agencies that are a far, far greater threat to “our democracy” than Xi and Putin and every other bad foreign actor combined.

A poll from Rasmussen ranking the issues. And what, for example, is Nikki Haley talking about? Well Field Marshall Haley is going to “take the fight to China”:

It speaks volumes about the state of the GOP that Bobby Kennedy, a Democrat, is more in tune with actual voters (read the entire thread to see what I mean) than the non-Trump GOP Presidential candidates:

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