Dear President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would Make a Great Vice President …

Dear President Trump, First, let me say how much I appreciate what you do for our country. I know you do this at great personal sacrifice, risk, and cost.

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I’ve read recently that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has expressed an interest in running for President.

In my opinion, you should reach out to him and engage him as your Vice Presidential running mate, make it public, and let James O’Keefe make the announcement.

This will explode a lot of heads and invigorate your base and instantly pull in the democrats that don’t like how far left Biden has taken their party and destroyed the country. These folks are in shock, and Kennedy will bring them to MAGA.

With you handling the economy, energy, and international stuff and Kennedy handling the domestic purge, I think you will have a double-edged sword fighting for and cleaning up America and its institutions.

Dr. Mercola, in the last day or two, had an interview with Kennedy. I recommend you get a copy.

Honestly, sir, COVID is an albatross around your neck. We now know just how much you were consistently deceived by the people around you. Nevertheless, COVID is an issue to your base.

In my opinion, a Kennedy endorsement will negate the COVID albatross, which I believe is a liability on your candidacy.

Should this play out, I respectfully request an invitation to the inauguration for myself and a few friends.

With my sincere and best regards to you and your family,


Howard Coffman

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