going through the motions until the shooting starts

Somedays It Feels a Lot Like This…

Nitzakhon took over the meme thing, and that’s good. They seem more committed to it than I ever was, so the experience is better for the readers. That’s the goal. But I still troll the digital spheres for memes, and this one (above) struck me as, well, relevant.

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WMUR News 9

WMUR’s Amy Coveno? Meet Irish Democracy.

by Skip

WMUR’s WuFlu Panic-Porn is reaching a fevered pitch (heh! see what I did there?). Last Night, about a minute in, WMUR’s Amy Coveno and NH’s State Epidemiologist both lamented just how disappointed they are in all of us.

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Unhinged and Unstable Equals Dangerous

The Democrat Party is unhinged. Unstable leftists are listening. It has become dangerous to be a Republican or a Conservative. With Maxine Waters’ caustic rhetoric, Violence is now all but inevitable. Unhinged is the 69-Year-Old College Professor in Las Vegas who shot himself because he doesn’t like Trump. Left-wing Nut job James Hodgkinson shot Rep. … Read more

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