Must Read – Marjorie Taylor Greene Exposes and Eviscerates the Useless GOP

The thread begins here. It is long but it is worth reading.

Some highlights:

“I give speeches to hundreds to thousands of Republican voters every single week at home and all across the country. Our voters are fed up with Republicans in Congress doing nothing to stop Dictator Joe Biden and the outright destruction to our country.”

“The political pendulum has swung back & forth between Rs & Ds for decades & we’re $30 trillion in debt, on the brink of communism, at risk of economic collapse, being drug into full dependence on a global economy, & the experienced Rs want to lecture me on how it’s done? ”

“We won’t have a Constitution or country left to take back in ‘22 and definitely not in ‘24, if Republicans in Congress don’t get their asses in gear.”

“If Republicans are worth their weight in salt then they better wake up and realize that they are leaving their own with no confidence and feeling like they have to take matters in their own hands.”

“Republicans must take action or face the devastating reality of losing the trust and confidence of Republican voters going into ‘22, and many are already on the fence bc of the election and lack of real effort to fix it by elected Rs.”


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