Gene Chandler has been taking a good deal of heat lately. He deserves it in my opinion. He knows full well the Democrats will make the same hay over the trumped up corn roast scandal, just like they did back then. That means if he wins he’s on the defensive every single day instead of focusing on business. It also means that the entire caucus has to defend their electing him to the post as well, even if they didn’t vote for him to be Speaker.
And if they try to claim they did not vote for him, now we have to defend against attacks of party division over the so-called "ethically challenged" Gene Chandler.
If you, for one moment think that won’t happen you are deluded.
These are progressive democrats. Facts don’t matter. They will take any path to power they can find. And for all the good Gene may have done through his various forms of service, if you make Gene speaker you might as well just put a "kick-me" sign on the back of everyone in the GOP caucus for the next two years. They’ll be asked at every opportunity how they can be trusted after electing an ethically challenged speaker.
No offense to Gene, but this is exactly what they’ll do and they won’t stop no matter what the real circumstances may have been. So my question for today has to be, knowing the democrats, and everything about how they operate, what the hell was he thinking running for speaker?