Drought and rain

No, Media Machine, The Rain and Snow in California are Neither A Record Nor Caused by Global Warming.

As part of our ongoing community service, we like to provide historical evidence provided by curators from all corners of the blogosphere that the Climate Cult and their Multi-Billion dollar PR firm (the media) are complete sh!t.

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Drought and rain

As of Sep. 30 Rainfall in NH was 2 Inches Above the Mean

Just a quick precipitation update from our friends at NOAA. The 9-month total in 2021 for New Hampshire is 34.65 inches. That’s two inches about the historical mean for the same period.

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Rain rainfall precipitation Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Still Trying to Get the Rain Right…

The last time I tried to correct the record, I must have walked away and come back and forgot what the hell I was trying to do. This time, I think I’ve got it right. That is the goal. To get the numbers correct, so here we go (again).

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Rain rainfall precipitation Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Getting the Rain Straight (Almost*).

In the interest of setting the record straight, we need to issue a correction. It rained a lot around here this summer, so I went about the usual task of exposing false drought fears and reporting on rainfall totals. But something wasn’t adding up.

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Rain rainfall precipitation Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Annual and YTD Precipitation Data Confirm the Truth and a Lie About Our Weather

According to NOAA, the one-hundred-year average precipitation for “New Hampshire” is 44.3 inches. Also, according to NOAA, as of today, New Hampshire has received over 38 inches of precipitation in 2021. That’s 87% of our annual “rainfall,” and it’s barely mid-July.

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Tropical Storm Elsa July 2021

MSM Headline: “Will Heavy Rain” … “Impact Drought”?

Coffee in hand, sometime after 5:30 this morning, I was surfing my news feeds “when what to my wondering eyes should appear?” No, not a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

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Dry desert drought scrub

Climate Cult Weaponizes Another Weather Event – Introducing Flash Droughts!

For years the Climate Cultists have been trying to scare New Englanders about droughts. As we point out often, the problem is that New England and New Hampshire have been in a decades-long, record-setting wet period. What to do? Invent something called Flash-Droughts.

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Liberal Sneetches Said No Beaches And Other Things The Climateers Got Wrong

The more wrong they are, the more right they claim to be but not all the history has or can be erased. Yes, there is systemic tampering of the temperature record (to make it fit the approved narrative) and at the New York Times, but not this, and not yet.

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Tropical Storm Fay Jul 2020

Breaking: The Trump Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Rally Has Been Postponed

The President’s outdoor rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, has been postponed due to weather concerns. Tropical Storm Fay will be riding up the New England coast and dumping a lot of rain on the area. Not the best conditions for an outdoor rally.

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fire and rain

Now That Dorian is Only CAT 3 are We Talking About the Burning Amazon Again?

The media crisis narrative is on a climate swivel. For days all we heard about were cataclysmic fires in the Amazon that were nothing special. When Dorian showed up the Amazon “problem” disappeared. I’m serious. The best search results were several days old. 

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Whatever the ‘Weather’ It’s Always a Problem And The Cure is More Government

I know it seems like a long time ago but way back in 2015-2016 New Hampshire was having a “drought.” Towns were considering bans or restrictions. The Left, who knows never to let a crisis go to waste, took to their climate pulpits to call out fossil-fuel sinners. By that I mean you.

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2018 Rainfall in New Hampshire

Record Rainfall in 2018 – And They Scoffed When I Said New Hampshire is Getting Wetter

The Koch brothers are not paying me to oppose the goofy Climate Cult in New Hampshire. I do it because progressives are using weather to socialize government. I share my observations to keep Climate Confidence schemers out of my pockets. Yours too. So, when I wrote (during New Hampshire’s “CO2 driven” Man-made drought) that the state … Read more

When It Rains it Pours


As an after-thought to my post on SB 11 yesterday–which has stirred up some interest around the Grokosphere and well beyond–I went looking for some details about the environmentalist/regionalist motivations with regard to water and sewer.   It is a huge subject many parts of which we’ve touched on at the Grok already; you might say the socialist/central planner/ enviro-crowd is all-in on controlling water as the next best means to controlling us; so I’ll focus on the one thing that caught my eye while surfing (ha!) for details on the latest progressive New Hampshire-bureaucratic water grab.

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