As an after-thought to my post on SB 11 yesterday–which has stirred up some interest around the Grokosphere and well beyond–I went looking for some details about the environmentalist/regionalist motivations with regard to water and sewer. It is a huge subject many parts of which we’ve touched on at the Grok already; you might say the socialist/central planner/ enviro-crowd is all-in on controlling water as the next best means to controlling us; so I’ll focus on the one thing that caught my eye while surfing (ha!) for details on the latest progressive New Hampshire-bureaucratic water grab.
According to most available reports if it rains it is bad, if it doesn’t rain it is bad, if it rains too much or too little it is bad, if the rain goes into the ground it is bad, if it is diverted to your lawn, sucked up by a plant, floods a river–or doesn’t flood a river, gets consumed by a person or an animal, runs off your roof, into your culvert, over a road, under ground, over ground, to or from a river, stream, pond, lake, creek, aquifer, pours, runs, flushes, drips, or even just leaks from a pipe–it might be bad. And if ‘global warming’ (whether you believe it or not hardly matters, although the environmental experts do–which tells you everything you need to know not to trust a single one of them) results in more rain or less, storms or droughts–bad; if it extends the growing season–bad. And that is the short list.
Just to clarify, they do not use the word bad. They use a lot of words to infer that there will never be enough public knowledge or even local municipal knowledge to deal with all the many facets (consequences) of water management. We’re all just too stupid (to cut through the PC – BS), and that includes the local yokel water district yahoos in your town as well. So no matter what happens with rain or water, before, during or after any use, the only solution to any problem that I could find is that we must let the ‘experts,’ (like those that flock to the un-elected employ of bureaucracies like the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services & Internet Cafe’ the way black flies flock to warm blooded hosts), dictate every aspect of every thing that has anything to do with water forever–or else we’re probably all doomed.
Or. There. Will. Be. Consequences.
This is all a bit much for my BS meter to handle. My understanding of the earth and the water is that it is essentially a closed system. Every drop of water eventually ends up back at its beginning, rinse, lather and repeat. Every living thing that dies gives the water back. Evaporated water falls again as rain. Run off runs someplace. Water gets into the ground and comes back out, freezes in snow, glaciers and other forms of ice, melts, and runs some more, collects, pools, and so on.
It makes humidity humid, condenses on our windows, dries up when the wind blows and falls again as rain. Just look at the pictures. Lots of arrows traveling in a big circle. We are not shipping it into space to be rid of it. The water is not going anywhere. It evolves, progresses, changes states, gets soiled and cleaned, in an endless loop that started long before we invented departments full of unaccountable busy-body planners and long after their socialist utopias have ended in poverty, misery and ruin.
Given these simplistic truths, wouldn’t the newly desired internumicipal hording (water tyranny, micro-managing, regional development, expert planning) by ‘unaccountable bureaucratic experts’ be just as anti-we-are-the-people-anti-globalist as my neighbor using a rain barrel to water plants with instead of using his tap–a practice that the don’t over-use your tap crowd is anxious to prevent because it denies the ground “our” water, even though you’re just going to spray it on the ground tomorrow, or the day after, instead of when it fell today? How does the NHDES or any other extra-governmental entity orchestrating regional water districts and taxing us to manage and re-manage our use of water do anything in the grand scheme but turn NHDES and its oligarchs into a big fiscal rain-barrel to catch other peoples money for its own enlargement, and by extension into an accumulator of power and influence over everything else in our lives that–let’s be honest–it is not the least bit qualified to have, nor it is a suitable use or expression of power in what is left of a once great Federal Republic?
Simple enough, to quote Frank Herbert’s Dune, “He who controls the spice controls the universe.”
Well he who controls the water controls the earth, or the continent, the nation, state, county or intermunicipal water district, and it’s people. And the pursuit of that goal, no matter in what context it is packaged and sold, is no different from the socialist central planners pursuit for control of all energy and all aspects of health care. It allows elected officials to blame unaccountable bureaucrats for mismanaging their collective control of the resources and therefore the people. So this is just another pernicious effort at establishing another unaccountable bureaucracy-manufactured tyranny by an minority of elites who have used the cover of legislative action to establish varying forms of modern-day eco-slavery.
They want to control your behavior, need to control it. If water gets them there than so be it. My suggestion is that you not let them. We are the 60% (water).
Closing thought: Will we be banishing the global obsession with corn as a primary foundation of the new world order? Corn and its derivatives are now in almost everything, in motor fuels in particular or most recently, as a means to “save the earth.” But corn is one of the most water intensive crops on earth. How can we possibly continue to cover millions of new acres of land with a product essential to the new world orders environmental agenda that simultaneous contradicts the new world orders other environmental agenda on water?
If that water is not gone forever in th ecorn, dooming us to death by ethanol (deathanol?), then neither is any of the other water. It all turns up someplace, eventually. That inconvenient truth would make all this planning and taxing and bureaucratic power grabbing little more than an environmental Game of Thrones where the experts battle for control of “dwindling resources” –taxpayer dollars and power not water-while everyone else suffers their follies.
Oh, and solar? Can we talk about Solar? You need a lot of water to keep those things clean so they are even remotely efficient–and their existence over vast amounts of acreage serves to ‘divert’ rain water in ways nature never intended. We getting rid of those as well? Putting them in corn fields perhaps?
Just asking.