I know it seems like a long time ago but way back in 2015-2016 New Hampshire was having a “drought.” Towns were considering bans or restrictions. The Left, who knows never to let a crisis go to waste, took to their climate pulpits to call out fossil-fuel sinners. By that I mean you.
It’s a cookie-cutter narrative that’s, well, all wet.
Lies, Damned Lies, and…More Lies
Weather in California and the west, the mid-west, everywhere, include stories of permanent drought. The new normal as the Left likes to say – when it’s not rainfall, flooding, or some other plague. Just get used to it. That’s your new normal. And to help here’s a massive expansion of government and the commensurate consumption of your wealth that goes with it.
It never stops, and it never ends.
My town, for reference, has imposed odd-even day watering restrictions every summer for most of this century. It doesn’t cost anything except in perception. There’s always this ban so it must be getting drier during New Hampshire’s wettest century since records were kept.
A trend more in line with the prophesied cause of drought (rising CO2) than that for accurate climate cult predictions – they have none.
So, more CO2 has to mean more rain at least until it doesn’t.
Hey, Buddy, Wanna Buy Some…
The Left’s reaction to this has been scholarly articles and endless news stories about how unusual the rain we have has been. Historically, that’s not incorrect. We are getting more rain despite that world ending drought of 2015-2016.
But the same forces are working toward the same goal with regard to chicken-little rain as with chicken-little drought (snow, wind storms, maple-syrup, tourism, sea level). They seek a massive expansion of government and the corresponding consumption of your wealth that goes with it in perpetuity.
As if the government could do anything but get bigger, more expensive, less efficient, and more oppressive?
The Unrefutable Hypothesis
The Church of Global Warming preaches apocalypse regardless of the conditions. Catastrophes of Biblical scope that can only be averted through state-mandated tithing and the sacrifice of personal liberty and security to the state. An endless debate between people who want to be left alone and a government that is little more than a menstrual-teenage girl reenacting the end of every Shakespearian tragedy as climate science, where you are always the villain.
Forget the charts, the data, the numbers, or the absurd lies about consensus. What do your eyes tell you?
Hopefully, that you are being played. That the “science” will say whatever it takes to turn you into a serf of the ruling class. And that doing nothing is the same as letting them rob you of your livelihood and your liberty.