As part of our ongoing community service, we like to provide historical evidence provided by curators from all corners of the blogosphere that the Climate Cult and their Multi-Billion dollar PR firm (the media) are complete sh!t.
Related: 2017 – Permanent California Drought Ends Unexpectedly
Most days, that cup of crap runneth over. The current weather events in California and the Western United States are a decent and recent example. Permanent drought has once again given way to too much rain (or snow) and flooding, and the blame must be placed at the feet of your comfortable Western lifestyle.
Ironically, evidence of the truth can be found in the very pages of (some of) the outlets dancing widdershins around the latest alleged climate catastrophe. News from a time with much lower atmospheric CO2 and very little of what we would call a modern lifestyle today. From high terms to droughts to rain and snow, a short trip back in time makes all this 21st-century ranting look ridiculous.
In other words, the wild west weather has nothing to do with “emissions,” fossil fuels, your diet, or anything else. It is how the weather works out there, and there is no action the government can take to change that.
As always, in such a situation, I find that Tony Heller at Real Climate Science has managed the most digestible summation of the history and the facts alongside the hysteria.
Have a look.