Pawn chess

China, Russia, And NOKO Play King Of The Hill

China, Russia, and North Korea are acting like a bunch of adolescent thugs. They are playing each other, looking for attention, and seeking relevance in this game of world dominance. Xi meets with Putin while snubbing Kim, and Kim and Putin get together while dissing Xi.

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Tank war

The “Putin Is Hitler” Argument Is … STUPID

Excellent piece on Real Clear Politics (a Hugh Hewitt interview of David Sacks) showing the stupidity of the “Putin is Hitler” argument. Let me add a couple of points. Anyone who has done even a cursory examination of the relevant history knows that  Hitler always intended to engage in a war of conquest in the … Read more

putin- Pixaby

Were We Wrong About Putin?

There was an attempted coup in Russia. Remember that? The Wagner Group, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, turned on Russia. He took the Russian city of Rostov, the Russian military stronghold nearest Ukraine. The Russians couldn’t take Bakhmut, Ukraine, for months.

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raining money Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Your Periodic Reminder That We’re At War With Russia To Profit Blackrock

Who really runs this country? Blackrock. Nobody capable of independent-thought and even a cursory knowledge of history believes the Putin-is-Hitler-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-conquers-the-whole-world fairy tale that is used to try to justify America’s proxy-war against Russia in the Ukraine. This is Blackrock’s war. This is the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about: A vital element in … Read more

Soldiers helicopter

The J21 Insurrection

Don’t try this if you have an “R” after your name. The Gestapo … oops! I mean the FBI … will arrest you and your family and friends, in a predawn raid carried live on CNN and MSNBC and replayed endlessly, while the Regime-media and the useful idiots pretending to be Rs, like former Attorney … Read more

obese fat tape measure waistline

Chris “Dozen More Donuts” Christie Is An Idiot

Putin is Hitler! Putin is Hitler! Putin is Hitler! If you don’t support the West’s war on Russia on behalf of Blackrock/Chase/etc. then you support Hitler! That is Chris Christie’s justification for pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into waging war on Russia on behalf of the globalist behemoths and the military industrial complex: NO, … Read more

putin pixaby

It is Not Putin, It is Bad Policy

Here is the problem with our economy and the out-of-control inflation numbers that came out today. Since the President and his band of inept bureaucrats have no idea how they created this horrible economic environment, they cannot have a clue how to get us out of the mess. They are not capable of recovery. The … Read more

Joe Biden box of rocks

Joe Biden, Stop Insulting Us

This fiasco is getting to the point where it is difficult to be respectful of the President of the United States. China is lauding theJoe Biden message. Doesn’t that tell you all you need to know? Joe Biden is screwing the American people. Drop the mic.

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Sleepy Joe Biden sitting

Russia Plows Ahead

So the Russian military continues the war in eastern Ukraine, inching slowly forward, while Putin forces Europe to continue to buy his oil. Russia has accused Ukraine prisoners of being Nazis and threatens to try them for war crimes. Pot calling the Kettle Black, it seems to me, especially with no specific “crimes” other than … Read more

Portrait of a Blameless President

One-time Vice President Hubert Humphrey learned a thing or two about politics during his long political career.  He once quipped, “To err is human…To blame someone else is politics.”  A young Joe Biden must have been taking notes.

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Putin Ukraine

Raging on in Kyiv

It has been about three weeks since the first salvos in the recent outbreak of kinetic warfare in Ukraine. The crisis has dramatically captured attention from people all over the planet and successfully diverted criticism from the collapse of the coronavirus project.

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oil rig crude oil original Photo by David Thielen on Unsplash

Gas Prices Are On Biden, Not Putin

The Biden Administration may be the most transparent ever, but that transparency exposes how they distort the truth or outright lie to America. President Joe Biden lies to the American people, and Jen Psaki echoes his lies.

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Zelenskyy Teaches a Lesson in Leadership

Before the ruthless and devastating invasion of Ukraine, hardly anyone in America knew the name, “Zelenskyy.”  Volodymyr Zelenskyy had spent most of his adult life as an actor/comedian in Ukraine but became associated with a new political party, called Servant of the People, in early 2018.

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