Another Extremely Dumb Take On The Dead-Commie Historical Marker

by Ed Mosca

NH-NeverTrump Journal’s Mikey-G has been on quite the tear about the historical marker for some dead commie. Perhaps he believes it is his Brandenburg Gate moment … “Mr. Sununu, tear down this historical marker”:


Mikey-G recently retweeted a tweet by NH-Democrat Jay Surdokowski claiming that there is a “straight line” between Stalin and Putin. In other words, according to Surdukowski, the Biden regime’s proxy war in Ukraine is actually a war against Communism:



Actually, there remains a Communist Party in Russia. BUT Putin is not a part of it. He heads a different political party, “United Russia”. And it is not a mere distinction without a difference.

For example, Putin is a strong supporter of religion and the traditional family … two things that are anathema to Communists and that Communists seek to destroy because they see religion and family as obstacles to Communism. To the extent that there is a “straight line” between a historical figure and Putin it is from the Czars to Putin. Putin wants to and believes he can … delusionally, in my opinion, because the Russian economy is so, relatively, minuscule … restore Russia to great power status. In other words, it’s a line from Czar Peter to Vladimir.

I’m sure one or more of the apologists for the Biden regime’s proxy war … on behalf of Blackrock and Chase … in Ukraine will bring up Putin’s statement that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a catastrophe. Putin saw it as a catastrophe because it dispersed Slavs into different nations, not because it was a triumph of capitalism over Communism.

The “straight line” from Stalin is to people like Matt Wilhelm and Rosemarie Rung and their ilk in the NH-Democrat Party and the Democrat Party in general, who support a socialism based on woke versus a socialism based on class. I have covered this repeatedly:

As I have posted many, many times the Democrat Party’s agenda is Mao’s cultural Revolution come to America. For example:

Every NHGOP State Rep and State Senator should be forced to read and re-read and re-read … as many times as it takes for it to sink in … Lilly Tang Williams’ tweet below that demonstrates how today’s DEI … Diversity-Equity-Inclusion … is simply Mao’s Cultural Revolution by another name. The top legislative priority of the NHGOP should be fighting DEI … that the NHGOP’s “leaders” instead ignore DEI and in some cases … like Sun-King Sununu … actually embrace it shows that they are either ignorant or cowards … or worse.

And this:

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and CRT (Critical Race Theory). DEI and CRT are simply euphemisms for anti-White racism. DEI involves discriminating against White males. It is an ideology that maintains one’s race, or “identity” is defining and determinative. That is, DEI sees people not as individuals, but merely as part of a tribe, or group, or identity. CRT is the dishonest rewrite of history intended to justify DEI … America was founded by White males in order to exploit everyone else and benefit White males, so DEI is simply redressing centuries of systemic discrimination and exploitation by White males. Those who support DEI and CRT are not “good people.” They are the real racists, the real bigots.

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support abortion up to birth. At some point well before birth, the fetus has developed sufficiently that it is absurdly dishonest and indeed depraved to deny its humanity. Yet your “Democrat friends” do exactly that … they deny that seven, eight and nine month old unborn babies are human. Those who support late-term abortions are not “good people.” They are evil.

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support “gender affirming care” for children. “Gender affirming care” is another lovely Communist euphemism … to camouflage the sterilizing and removing of body-parts of children. Those who support sterilizing and removing the body-parts of children are not “good people.” They are monsters.

There is much, much more I could add … grooming, censorship, biological males taking over female sports, etc. etc. etc. Suffice it to say … the NH-Democrats’ agenda is Mao’s Cultural Revolution come to America. And they are winning because the GOP refuses to see them for what they are.


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