White Flag - Surrender, give up resign

Insufferable Resignation Watch Day Two…

Heh!  For years, I said that a large part of what I write about is based on what “they” said. In this case, the Insufferable GAC Twins – extremist Commissioners Doug Lambert and Jade Wood who made it REAL clear that they were bound and determined to resign yesterday at 5 pm (“Extremists Doug Lambert … Read more

I voted sticker

A Note to Candidates Running for Local Offices

Ask people what’s bugging them, what their concerns are, and LISTEN.

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Biden Lies Without Accountability

Biden Lies Without Accountability … The Media Knows

Joe Biden lies without accountability. We saw more example of this morally and ethically bankrupt behavior last night. Did you watch the debate last night? We will not hold it against you if you didn’t. There were some pretty glaring points made. The media these days has stopped reporting. They have shifted focus to censorship. … Read more

Intervention From the Heavens

Intervention From the Heavens

Just when the Washington creatures were ready to spend another $3 trillion the lights came on. We don’t need the extension of weekly central government supplements to unemployment benefits. We need to go back to work. The economic data came forth showing Americans are getting back to work in record numbers.

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Warren's Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Warren’s Anti-Racism Plan is Collapsing

Socialist Elizabeth Warren’s anti-racism plan is collapsing. She now has a problem.  On her website she has an Anti-Racism Plan.  Now the minorities are leaving her campaign. In doing so they are shredding what little credibility she may have. Truth, we don’t need no damned truth She has never been what you would call enamored … Read more

Are Leftists Friends of the Little Guy?

Are Leftists Friends of the Little Guy?

Are Leftists: friends of the little guy? That is the cloak they cover themselves with. But are they really friends of the average American? They insist on being judged the promises they make and the intentions they aspire to. Leftists never want to be held accountable to their actual results. The cloak they wrap themselves … Read more

Right – Democrats promising the future but can’t deliver in the present, can they?

And you think you can trust these Socialists in other things as well? ‘Bout the only thing I can trust them to do is make more promises they either can’t keep or never intended on keeping.  Remember Clinton and taxes? I do… (H/T: Powerline)

Government Spending Reform

The issue Higher taxes are not the solution to our out-of-control spending. Taxes are over $3 trillion this year. Our deficit will be over $1 trillion. Raising all taxes by one third only allows us to balance the budget. How ugly is that? It would not allow us to put a dent in our debt. … Read more

Vote the Santa – Bunny ticket for President

The Democrat presidential field is crowded. The most recent ticket to announce is Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. They claim that not only will they make the promises… they have a history of delivering. How are you going to pay for that? The list of promises is full of things the candidates know, you … Read more

Promise, Tax, Grow Government, Borrow, Grander Promises, Until…

Promise me this… The Donkey’s running for President are locked in battle. Socialists all, they are competing to become the candidate who promises to give away the most tax dollars of yours. They are promising to give away everything to anyone who might be a potential voter whether or not they are a citizen. Why … Read more

Promises, Promises…

It’s time for another Obama Inauguration speech and if he keeps promises made in this one as well as he did the last….well, at least this time there is an actual shelf-life on the Obama Presidency as well. H/T Reason.TV, c/o Hot Air  

We’ve heard it all before. “When they can’t get the job done, we’ve gotta let ’em go.”

Yes. That’s true. http://youtu.be/fZgQhnNRSuw

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