Charlie Bass Says Mitt Does Not Like To Fire People

“Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one’s own despised and unwanted feelings.” —Alice Duer Miller

Willard "Mitt" Romney on "Firing People"

New Hampshire’s own RINO Charlie Bass was on Fox this morning defending Mittens’ comments about firing people. Charlie Bass was right. Here is what Mittens said:

“I want individuals to have their own insurance,” he said. “That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don’t like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.

“You know, if someone doesn’t give me a good service that I need, I want to say I’m going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.”

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A Presidential Primary tool from the Southern NH 912 Project

by Skip

Bumped and updated – an alert from the Southern NH 9.12 team:  Skip, we’ve got a brand new, updated and cleansed version of the matrix online.  We also have a condensed version, that focuses on just 19 issues, to make it easier for people to work with the document.

The last update was 01/01/12 at 8:30pm. There are two versions of the Presidential Matrix to choose from:       Condensed (19 issues)   Full Version (64 issues)

On the jump.

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Live blogging – Herman Cain’s event in Manchester

by Skip

Well, I got here what I thought was very early as I had been told that the “Volunteers” part of the evening was to be around 7:30pm. So, I arrived about 6:20 – and all of the street parking was already taken. Three satellite trucks (Channel 9 from NH, NECN for New England, and MyFox out of Boston) had already set up camp and running cabling. While the campaign office was pretty empty when I first arrived, it is since (as at 7:30pm or so), it has pretty much filled up with almost as many volunteer as media (a camera is trained on me as I type as they are getting B-roll).

The volunteers, for the most part, are rather angry – not at Herman but what seems to be the media and the “dirty tricks” that seem to go along with every major campaign. One lady came down from Augusta, ME to be here to show support – her mood was as red as her jacket. Another, a teacher, was also here in support not happy with the current events.

A note on the Herman Cain news

by Skip

Well, we all know what the latest Prez Primary news is – another allegation concerning Herman Cain.  Yes, GraniteGrok endorsed Mr. Cain (before all these allegations started).  Knowing that, someone asked me, last nite, what I thought about them; my response (edited to add additional thoughts):

Boy, SOMEbody wanted him out of the race BADLY.  And I think with this, they may have succeeded with the last nail whether or not the allegation is true or not.  Even if this is politics, our system is to presume innocence before guilt.  Yet, we all know that perception is reality in this sphere.

You know, I was going to post some thoughts on this post as I agreed with it: 

On Sunday evening, October 30, Politico broke the story that two women had complained about Herman Cain while at the National Restaurant Association.  In that first week, Politico ran several dozen stories about the accusations without telling us what the accusations were, while characterizing the accusations as sexual harassment.

During the subsequent three weeks, the name of one of the accusers in the Politico story, Karen Kraushaar, was released, but she has refused to release details of the accusations she made, despite initially indicating she would do so, and it turns out this was not her only employment complaint.  Another accuser with a dubious background, Sharon Bialek, came forward, but she was not part of the original Politico story and her supposed corroboration also was suspect.

While the media regularly referred to 4 or 5 accusers, we only knew the names of two of them and only knew the accusations of one of them.

But back to Politico.

After hundreds of articles at Politico, what do we know about the specific accusations against Herman Cain which gave rise to Politico’s original reporting:  Nothing.

After hundreds of articles at Politico, what do we know about the specific evidence against Herman Cain which gave rise to Politico’s original reporting:  Nothing.

Truly incredible.

But this newest story continues the dreaded drip.

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Say it ain’t so….Joe??

by Skip

“I am asking independent-minded voters to imagine what we could accomplish with this ticket,” Roemer wrote. “Americans are justifiably frustrated with their politicians and parties. Joe and I could change that. To me, it’s a dream team.”


For those who haven’t seen the Union Leader yet today, according to an early online story in USA Today: WASHINGTON (AP) – The New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in Sunday editions, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isn’t the universal favorite and that the state’s largest newspaper could reset the contest … Read more

Will Libertarians Help Obama Win Re-election?

It is rumored that Governor Gary Johnson might consider a third party run as the Libertarian candidate.  Given that a center right GOP electorate will not be nominating Ron Paul, and Ron Paul seems to have enough sense not to split the party himself, a Johnson third party run presents some interesting possibilities, including the likely reelection of Barack Obama and the knock out punch to the America the Libertarians swear they are defending.

Even if Johnson is right to argue that he has been ignored by the media is having a hissy fit really the answer?  There is no third party electoral victory in America and only an arrogant fool would think otherwise.  The Best hope we have is to continue taking over the GOP and replacing its moderate leadership from below.

But I think the elites in the liberty movement are too impatient for incremental change. Many of the "principled" libertarians are so possessed of their own agenda that they would split the vote giving Obama and the czars four more years of liberty destroying power, rather than elect any other Republican as a stop gap until they can make further in-roads into the party establishment.

A Johnson third party run could be the best thing to happen to Obama since the Media.

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Bachmann’s Contrdiction

Speaker Gingrich is taking heat for statements about immigration reform, mostly from people campaigning against him. (But then, that’s what makes a big primary so much fun.) Congressman Michele Bachmann, on PBS NewsHour of all places, took it to the hole with this remark…

NM Gov. Gary Johnson (R-NM) to jump to the Libertarian Party for Prez?

by Skip

Politico is reporting that Gary is thinking from bolting from the Republican Primary and going to the Libertarian ticket: The former Republican governor, excluded from all but two debates this year, tells the Santa Fe New Mexican that he could seek the Libertarian Party nomination for the general election: But in an interview Wednesday, he … Read more

Newt Gingrich: The Attacks Begin

This from the New Hampshire Newt Gingrich campaign website, "NewtHampshire!"

"ANSWERING THE ATTACKS: Setting the Record Straight on Newt’s Positions on the Issues and His Record"

"Now that our campaign to rebuild the America we love is gaining momentum, those who want to see us fail are on the attack, digging through Newt’s past to try and stop us. Newt, Callista and our campaign welcome the opportunity to tell the truth about Newt and set the record straight about Newt’s positions on the issues as well as his record in public life and as a private citizen.

We’ve set up this page to arm you with answers to the attacks. See an attack that is not answered? Let us know. This page will grow as we receive more feedback to help you answer the attacks.

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