GrokTV Event: Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC Presidential Debate – Questions 3 & 4: Newt Gingrich & Rick Santorum

by Skip

We continue with the conversation with Paul Wescott asking the questions and  Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum supplying the answers from a Constitutional viewpoint – pretty much, only the second one doing so thus far this cycle (the first being US Senator Jim DeMint, so Jerry Delemus and the rest of the gang at the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC deserve our thanks). 

Let the conversation continue!

Question 3:

Military:  We have troops all over the world, we have troops in nations that clearly can defend themselves…do we still need troops in that country and is it Constitutional to keep sending those troops all over the world?

Question 4:

Immigration:  Do you believe that States should have the right to defend their own borders?




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