Obama’s great middle class betrayal: It’s the taxes, stupid!

by Doug

 Obama taxes middle class

Guest Post by Howard Rich 

As much as the Beltway chattering class refuses to admit it, Barack Obama’s electoral victory last year had nothing to do with his oft-repeated, generic pledge to bring “hope and change” to Washington, D.C. Sure it sounded good at the time, but Americans have always voted based on their wallets and pocketbooks – not lofty-sounding campaign promises or rhetorical flourishes.

The real key to Obama’s victory a year ago – indeed his “signature” issue – was his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.

“You will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime,” Obama promised tens of millions of Americans making $250,000 or less. In fact, candidate Obama promised the middle class billions of dollars in tax cuts, part of his whole “spread the wealth around” plan.

“If you’re a family that’s making $250,000 a year or less, you will see no increase in your taxes,” Obama promised. “Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your personal gains tax, not any of your taxes.”

Never mind the fact that Obama’s plan would have hit income and payroll providers especially hard, rendering “middle class tax relief” irrelevant to the millions of workers heading toward already-crowded unemployment lines.

No matter how you look at it, though, what a difference a year makes.


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And they’re off! The race to the White House in ’12 begins…

by Doug

In the new era of politics, we seems to find ourselves in a state of near permanent campaigning– the "endless campaign," as Skip and I are often wont to call it. You can bet the farm on the fact that, before the final ballots were counted last November, there was some jockeying taking place. Certainly Sarah Palin’s every move, including the upcoming arrival of her new book, is carefully weighed with an eye to the future. Mitt Romney is certainly a player, and, who would be surprised if Huckabee took another stab at the presidency?

Well, today, the game is definitely and openly on, as another member of the group long-speculated to be considering a run unveils a team that includes key players that figured greatly in the McCain come-from-behind primary win here in the Granite State, launching him to the eventual GOP nomination.

im Pawlenty Announces “Freedom First” PAC
PAC’s Leadership Team Includes Experienced, Respected, Diverse Talent
ST. PAUL, Minnesota – Seeking to help elect conservatives in 2009 and 2010, Tim Pawlenty today filed forms with the Federal Election Commission to create the Freedom First political action committee. The new federal PAC will offer financial support to candidates committed to putting freedom before government, and provide organizational support for Pawlenty to promote his innovative, conservative message. The new PAC will have an unprecedented approach to citizen engagement, and features a website at www.TimPawlenty.com, where supporters can add their voice to Pawlenty’s message.
“Right now, our freedoms are being challenged on many fronts,” Pawlenty said. “This organization is dedicated to putting freedom first again in America. By helping candidates and translating our ideas into policies that everyone can relate to and support, we can turn back the growth of Washington and renew the promise of freedom.”
Freedom First PAC will be co-chaired by William H. Strong, the Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley, and the Honorable Vin Weber, former Minnesota congressman, and partner at Clark and Weinstock.
“Tim is an authentic leader with a record of results,” Strong said. “I’m excited to work with him to elect great candidates across the country. His record of fiscal conservatism in Minnesota makes him a credible voice on the issues facing our country.”
“There’s a big debate about the role of government and personal freedom raging at the moment, and I’m excited to help promote fresh new ideas, and new leaders.” Weber said. “Given Tim’s successful record in Minnesota, he’s in a unique position to harness that energy and help other candidates.”
The PAC’s first Minnesota fundraiser will be held on November 4 in Minneapolis and will be anchored by a diverse and distinguished group of Minnesotans who will serve as the Freedom First PAC Minnesota Co-Chairs.  They include:

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Pawlenty continues to bear watching

by Doug

In this August post on the battle over government healthcare, we wrote that Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty  does a great job explaining the Republican position on the subject and has correctly read the mood of ordinary Americans as they rise up in opposition to the plans as put forth by a "leftist" president and the majority Democrats. We further stated … Read more

President Palin?

by Doug

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin in Laconia, NH (GG file photo)

She’s driving the elitist statists nuts. And Sarah Palin will get HER message out the way SHE wants it, DESPITE the mainstream media. Rather than let THEM create a caricature thus marginalizing her chances at future political success, she is savvy enough to work around that- much like the "Great Communicator" himself, Ronald Reagan, who was able to connect with the American people DESPITE an unfriendly media. In the age of Facebook, Twitter, the Blogosphere and Fox News Channel, there are ways to get your message out. And, what a message she has! As first stated on her Twitter page, repeated her in this official statement, she lays out her program:

I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much needed fiscal restraint.

Sounds like the foundation of a platform to me… Our friend Ed Naile has written a excellent op-ed about Sarah Palin that He has given permission to share with ‘Grok readers. Unlike some who see the recent move by Sarah Palin as somehow harmful to her future plans, I am upbeat and hopeful as to what comes next…

Palin 2012

by Ed Naile

I was running a string trimmer and listening to one of those headset radios when I heard Governor Sarah Palin was stepping down before finishing her term as Alaska’s governor. I would call it a “remember where you where” moment.

This is the best thing that ever happened to the conservative movement and a big headache for the Republican establishment whose members have honed to a fine art throwing inner-party opponents to the crazy savages on the left.

Sarah isn’t going to be that easy to deal with. She fights back.

The short story from the news media/Democrat Progressives is that Governor Palin is the sum total of any number of thousands of bad adjectives – the usual pummeling of political up-and-comers has a standard theme: stupid, unhinged, unprepared, blinded by an off-beat religion, ethically challenged and sexually repressed. We have seen it all over and over again. The technique has worn thin and predictable.

Sarah Palin sees right through the media slaughter aimed at her family and future and took decisive action against it.

Let’s see:


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Sarah Palin to resign Governor’s post

by Doug

Sarah Palin in Laconia, NH (GG file photo) Wow! Wonder what this means? And the timing– biggest holiday weekend of the summer? I hope that nothing is wrong with Sarah Palin, shining star of the GOP. Our buddy John Hawkins– taking time out already from his vacation–speculates on five possibilities over at RightWingNews.com. I’m pulling … Read more

Sarah Palin: The Great Right Hope?

by Doug

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin in Laconia, NH (GG file photo)

Sarah Palin takes upstate NY by storm. From Syracuse.com, on Sarah Palin’s Founders’ Day visit to Auburn, NY, where she was the star attraction:

The sidewalks were jammed nearly shoulder-to-shoulder in many places along Genesee Street as on-lookers jockeyed to get a glimpse of Palin, her husband, Todd, and daughter, Willow.


The GOP defeat in November hasn’t dampened the fervor of her supporters, who gathered early for to stake out prime viewing sites across from Memorial City Hall, where Palin is scheduled to deliver a brief address at noon after the parade.

While there are no doubt those who would like to never hear from Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin again, for many ordinary folks her popularity has not diminished. In fact, her down to earth nature coupled with common sense and traditional values, if anything, might be more popular than ever, given she stands in sharp contrast to what the present liberal-led government is dishing out on a daily basis.

She also delivered a speech at the historic Seward House Museum. Here are a few of my favorite parts:

You can provide jobs and energy independence and national security by drilling in your sister state. Or you send jobs and you send our money to foreign countries asking them to ramp up production of energy sources so that we can import it – some of these countries not necessarily liking America – that is the choice.


Now Alaskans get tired of hearing that Washington bureaucrats know what’s best for us. So we push and we fight and we challenge decisions made inside the Beltway when they’re not in the country’s best interest. And we know decisions being made lately, we believe are not in the nation’s best interest, not when they can’t lead us to energy independence. So though it seems that there are some attempts to try to make some from Alaska to sit down and shut up, we’re not going to sit down and shut up, we’re going to spread the message.


You know there, like here, in Alaska, we’re a hearty folk and we are independent and we believe the roots of are country – so deep, so strong – they are what we need to cling to, and clinging to them, yeah, that includes our clinging to Second Amendment rights and to our faith in God. Many of us do cling to that strong faith in God, and it is under God, in Him do we still trust.

Here’s the full transcript of the speech in case you’d rather read it:


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Heeeeeeeeeee’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

by Doug

Mitt in Laconia, NH (GG file photo) It’s being reported that Mitt Romney is going to take up residence in our backyard here in Central NH. This was of great concern to a respected area resident and denizen of NH’s largest lake back during the primary–whether the commotion would have an impact on the "little … Read more

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