Live blogging – Herman Cain’s event in Manchester

by Skip

Update VI:  He has come out of the room and is saying hi to the crowd.  His brief talk, about 12 minutes, covered his campaign intent.  He will be continuing, believing that the latest by Ms. White is going to be like the previous ones (see Mike’s post).  He talked about his speech at Hillsdale briefly, what he is doing for homework, his world view of foreign policy.  Donations are coming back up so he believes that the actual public can tell the difference between what the media believes is real and what really is real.  He sounded confident, up beat, and only paused when his voice went dry for a quick drink of water (“This is my sixth event today”).  He added that his previous three in Ohio (where he was most of today) had more folks than anticipated (he had been told to expect about a low turnout here of 15-20; I would have to say about 100 folks were here.

Video of Herman’s address to the volunteers, supporters, and media:

  • Update V: Herman is now in the room directly opposite me greeting a small number of volunteers – think Donors.
  • Update IV:  Well, am now hearing that he’ll be out to speak around 8:30pm
  • Update III: They have just moved the media to the back so that the volunteers can be up front.  The Staff is promising the media their shots later, but it is nice to see that the volunteers are coming first.  I, on the other hand, have a front row seat to the whole thing.
  • Update II: It looks like the media is going to get the first crack at him for pictures anyways – the Secret Service has cleared out an area that they feel is “semi secure” and the media has all but filled that area,
  • Update: Herman just strolled in via one of the side doors, so I bet that he will meet with the Sr. Leadership NH campaign for a few minutes, and then address the crowd.


Well, I got here what I thought was very early as I had been told that the “Volunteers” part of the evening was to be around 7:30pm.  So, I arrived about 6:20 – and all of the street parking was already taken.  Three satellite trucks (Channel 9 from NH, NECN for New England, and MyFox out of Boston) had already set up camp and running cabling.  While the campaign office was pretty empty when I first arrived, it is since (as at 7:30pm or so), it has pretty much filled up with almost as many volunteer as media (a camera is trained on me as I type as they are getting B-roll).

The volunteers, for the most part, are rather angry – not at Herman but what seems to be the media and the “dirty tricks” that seem to go along with every major campaign.  One lady came down from Augusta, ME to be here to show support – her mood was as red as her jacket.  Another, a teacher, was also here in support not happy with the current events.

Secret Service is also here and have swept the office for weapons (tee-hee)!  I told them that they might have a hard time after they let folks in – lots of Conservatives believe that they always have the right, here in NH, to defend themselves (they refuse to outsource their responsibilities, dontcha know!).I’ll keep this up to date a bit later on, but time to go mingle for a while.

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