Trump mug shot

There Is No Longer Any Rationale For The GOP Presidential Primary

“Trump can’t win! He can’t win!” “Trump will drag all Republicans down to defeat!” “Trump is the only Republican who can’t beat Biden!” Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We’ve had this pablum flung at us for years. And it is categorically FALSE.

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Ron DeSantis - Twitter video screengrab

How DeSantis Lost The New Hampshire Primary … And What He Needs To Do Next

Let’s start with what DeSantis needs to do next. Abandon New Hampshire … IMMEDIATELY. And say why … BECAUSE NEW HAMPSHIRE REPUBLICANS ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF REPUBLICANS NATIONALLY; they are much more liberal than Republicans nationally, and I am NOT a good fit. Then focus on Iowa and South Carolina … reducing expectations for both, AND … fix his dysfunctional campaign.

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Sun King Sununu

Political Cognitive Dissonance Rampant In New Hampshire

So I came across this. One of Sun-King Sununu’s minions boasting that His Majesty has a 91 percent approval rating among Republicans: Yet the polls simultaneously show that President Trump … the anti-Sununu … is trouncing the field in FITN: There are several explanations for these seemingly irreconcilable results. One is that UNH polling STINKS. … Read more

A Heavy Burden biden on dem donkey

A Heavy Burden for Democrats

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not that long ago, Democrats were desperate to unseat the Republican president, the man responsible for such unbearable anguish among liberals and progressives. They saw Joe Biden as their best opportunity to do that.

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Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – week of 4/13/23

It is time to formalize the previously informal series on behalf of NH Governor Chris Sununu to keep himself from making a total fool of himself, and yes, he can drive further down that road – plenty of asphalt in front of him. Remember, it’s not deliberate sarcasm on my part.

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RCP US Senate Projections

Updated: Last Minute 2022 Polling Results from RealClearPolitics and Others

Methinks this is going to be another chockful of posts kinda day like yesterday, so eep coming back. I’m going to keep stuffing the front page with the latest polls I can find.  This one, however, from RealClearPolitics, will stay uppermost, but all others will sink to the bottom of the post as I find newer/informative ones.

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Wrong Trak - Royalty-Free

There Is Only One Way To Correct Our Course

Political polling data can often be confusing and misleading. A recent Monmouth University poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans – 88 percent, in fact – believe the country is on the wrong track. Other polls support those results with similar numbers.

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rank top 3 Photo by Joshua Golde on Unsplash

President Franklin Pierce and the Worst Franchise Players Ever

U.S. News and World Report famously does an annual ranking of the top 100 colleges in America. It all gets lots of attention and schools that make the list understandably tout the ratings in their marketing plans. Truth be told, the best college in America for a Granite Stater could be a community college or … Read more


Data Point – How Accurate Were the Polls?

Blue Wave!  Blue Wave!  Blue…..just wave it goodbye. No, I’m not impressed. And a whole lot of other people haven’t been either. Things got tighter in the Prez race and the GOP was supposed to lose the Senate by several seats?

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A Bit Optimistic but These Polling Data Bits Should Be Seen

Based on 2016, I’m not sure ANYONE knows, really, what is going to happen today, tonite, and for the next couple of weeks. I’ve seen a number of posts where the vote-by-mail ballots have been tossed or incorrectly sent out.

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Vote 2

Poll: Trump Wins NH 47% to 43%

Again, polls. Again, 2016/2020. Again, grains of salts. Again, people are TIRED of pollsters and Trump supporters won’t talk to them.  Like me – unlike all previous years, I refused to answer a single poll phone call. As soon as I hear that it is a “survey”, it’s a click from me.

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Yet another reason why I no longer talk to pollsters

As I said here, about phone polls, I really don’t want to waste my time and I’m not wanting to answer silly questions that I know that are setups for a desired result. How do I know? Well, by the question’s construction – and I’m not the only one (emphasis mine).

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People vote at a polling place at the Canterbury Town Hall polling station in Canterbury, New Hampshire

Almost 98% Say they Will Vote In-Person in New Hampshire this November

With the Left’s full-court press to embrace vote-by-mail, we asked how you would vote this November. Post- Primary Poll weariness aside, those who chose to respond made their intentions clear. They are not voting by mail.

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No, I’m Not Answering any More Political-Poll Phone Calls Either

Over the last two months, the Robo-polling calls have been ramping up. Now, I’m getting anywhere from 5 to 8 calls a day. I used to answer them and I used to give truthful answers. I’d point out to the poor schlub at the other end of the call how badly worded the questions were.

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Joe Biden Anarchist Antifa BLM Islamist.

Joe Biden Is a Prisoner in His Own Mind

Joe Biden is a prisoner in his own mind. He’s been in the basement for so long he’s lost whatever edge he may have once had. Biden and his handlers know he should be out and about. A candidate for the presidency needs to be weighing in daily on the issues of the day. Biden … Read more

Grok_badge GraniteGrok Logo

Chris Maidment is NOT an Admin at

There’s a rumor going around since I launched the new EC5 Poll. That Christopher Maidment, who works for the Wheeler Campaign, is an Admin at The implication is that this will allow him to manipulate the poll results. Not that he could if he was, but Chris is not an Admin.

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Elections ahead FI

Data Point – Post Dem Convention Bounce? Nope – Polls Are Turning Toward Trump

Perhaps a result of the BLM/Antifa riots springing up all over the country and the Democrats condoning it? Or perhaps it IS due to the taking over of Biden’s body by the Socialists?

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What will Establishment Republicans do Next to Protect Their Ever-Smaller Hive?

Here is one way the fake pollsters benefit from rigging their formulas to the desired outcome. A poll showing senile Joe Biden leading by 15 points gives establishment Republicans and anti-Trump campaign “experts” a golden opportunity to spout off.

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Stacey Abrams

Against the Odds, the case for Stacey Abrams VP potential

Presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick is agonisingly tantalising; it’s one that has many political pundits debating the candidates to exhaustion and has media analysts taking the measure of through various opinion polls. Even, sportsbooks have joined the fray, putting in their two cents by rolling out a veritable buffet of political odds … Read more

The Poll That Sununu Should be Paying Attention To.

George H. W. Bush’s job approval was riding high after the First Persian Gulf War. An approval rating in excess of 90 percent. But less than a year later, Bush’s job approval was under 50 percent. And by July 1992, Bush was below 30 percent job approval. He became one of a handful of incumbent … Read more

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