Sununu’s Polling “Line In The Sand”: CPAC Version

by Skip

Remember, *I* didn’t draw this line in the political sand; Governor Sununu did that.  Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

So, how is that aging? Not well, so, I’m going to hold him to it. How is he doing? Let’s just say the phrase “5%, you got to get out” will haunt him.

Sure, within the small fishbowl that is NH, he’s a big fish, but out in the pond, if you take these polls correctly, he isn’t even at tadpole level:

CPAC was this past weekend, and attending one is still on my bucket list. However, like almost any political event, great or small, everybody will be running their straw polls for this, that, and of course, President. CPAC is famous for theirs.

The results for BOTH President and VEEP:

President: I know it’s small, but that arrow points to Chris Sununu registered a humongous 0.2% of the straw poll.


CPAC Straw Poll for Prez Sununu at 0.2 perc C-SPAN


Yes, for the math-challenged amongst you, 0.2% is a lot less than the 5% he has stated. It’s almost as if he wants us to believe that he’s above his own line in the sand. Actually…

For VEEP: a bit better…An astonishing 0.3% – a 50% increase!  Bazinga! Gang busters!


CPAC Straw Poll for VP Sununu at 0.3 perc CPAC


Er, still not >5%. Sununu is still a tadpole.

BTW I’m behind on everything, and DVR’d TV shows are no different. On Monday’s Special Report with Brett Baier, in the last segment, they had a series of video clips from CPAC. While Trump was speaking, the chyron said:

Hogan: Candidates should not run out of vanity

Good advice, eh Sununu?  Hmmm.

To be continued…

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