GrokTALK! – 9am -11am, Saturday December 18th, 2010

Holy GrokTALK! Batman it’s GrokTALK!  120 minutes of Live Streaming local and National News with political insight you could ONLY get from   On this week’s Program…  Jeannie Forrester  will call in to talk to us about her new gig in the State Senate NH House Rep David Bates gives us his opinion on … Read more

Government As God

For as long as I can recall the New Hampshire Democrat Party has been using the “Press Release” to make up crap about people, misrepresent the words they use, change the meaning of their words, or in some cases creating out of whole cloth whatever perception they think will advance their clawing obsession with accumulating political power by damaging anyone or anything that stands between them and their Pinky and The Brain like nightly quest (minus the Brain) to take over the world.

Carol-Shea….What The?

Disgraced left wing rube and soon-to-be former Pelosi-Party Representative to New Hampshire Carol SEIU-Porter hit the pages of this mornings Union Leader like fingernails on a chalkboard.  But it is a familiar sound.  In fact I believe she has just plagiarized her own 2006 campaign web site.  We’ve got irresponsible spending, two wars we could not afford, I’m just itching to play the song ‘Reminiscing’ by the Little River Band while I read it.

Carol, of course had nothing to do with any of that.  Since 2006 when democrats took over the budget writing arm of government the wars ended, the deficit went away, and the middle class has prospered like never before in human history.  We are less divided, more united, more respected internationally, revered for our diplomatic acumen, and commitment as a leader in business…

…Wait a minute.  That’s not what happened.

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Separation From Power

Kathy Sullivan used her scheduled rant in the Union leader this week to warn us about the Republican controlled NH House and its anticipated legislative agenda.  The serpentine theme manufactured to tie her fear-mongering together is a sudden (and I’ll admit unexpected) adoration for the concept of "Separation of Powers."   This is the idea that by dividing authority the vessels of power would jealously guard each of their own and in the process prevent the others from advancing tyranny.

So I guess the Union Leader does publish left wing fantasy fiction in the opinion section.  It’s almost like a riddle.  "If an avid pro government socialist democrat pretends to be concerned with the abuse of government power what does it mean?" 

"It means they are not the ones in power."

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The Illusion Of Zero Drop Outs


Governor Lynch is all about his success at reducing Drop Out rates in New Hampshire. That’s the number of high school age kids who leave school without graduation or achieving a recognized equivalent. He even has a goal. New Hampshire will have a zero percent drop out rate by 2012. And based on the available data, I think he will succeed, but not in reducing actual “drop outs” to zero.

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There Are No “Rules” For Radicals

The democrat leadership loves to project their feelings and intentions on others.  By their calculus, if it is happening inside their obsessed little minds everyone has to feel that way.  It is why they can’t help claiming that anything anyone does or says in opposition to them or their agenda does so from a position of fear or hate.  That is how they think and feel.  It is what drives them.  It must also drive you. 

They then filter that misconception into populist rants demanding that everyone within a 100 mile ideological radius of some perceived slight denounce whomever or whatever they have painted as ill will. 

 This is classic Alinsky with a twist.  Rules for Radicals demands that you hold your opponents to their own moral standards, make them follow their own rules, and pummel them (and anyone near them) relentlessly at every opportunity.  They do this knowing humans are flawed and incapable of perfection on their own which is amusing because in their preferred secular state there is only one source of power to guide us and it is them and the same rules do not apply to democrats.

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The No Labels Lie Starts Today

The New Hampshire Sleeper Cell of No Labels woke up and puts it’s cloven hooves on the ground today, as did all the other franchises nationwide. The group, founded by a trio of democrat national political consultants, has had plenty of ink at GraniteGrok already (11/17/10 and 12/1/10) because it is imperative that we understand who they are and why they should be avoided.

F… The President

During a review of Mr. Obama’s Republican tax compromise with the democrat caucus one democrat House member was overheard expressing his distaste for the plan with the comment… “F…the president.”

Just Throwing This Out There…

The House Democrats have balked at a bi-partisan deal that while not perfect, is an actual compromise, and would end a good deal of the uncertainty about tax increases (that is stagnating the economy) by ensuring that for the most part, there are almost none. (The estate tax survives)

If There’s Grass On The Field Play Ball

We could call most Democrats a contradiction wrapped in an enigma but to be honest there is nothing enigmatic about them. They are just a contradiction. And while we could give them some small credit for not always understanding their own contradictions, acting as they often do solely on feelings and impulse, when they have their own newspaper and use it to propagandize the subscriber-ship with bovine bloviations, we can offer only pity.

Inside Baseball

Does anyone know the process for congressional chairmanships? Erik has indicated above that the House GOP needs to ratify leadership’s decisions but I was not aware of that condition. It was my understanding that anyone who is not on the steering committee did not get a voice on chairmanships and appointments but maybe that’s wrong.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Reason TV via Instapundit  

Good Cop – Bad Cop

iStock Photo ImageEveryone knows Good Cop, Bad Cop. 

You have gruff and uncompromising on one side, and then someone else shows up sweet as pie.  The goal is to get something you want that they do not want to give up. 

So is Mr. Obama’s compromise on stopping a tax increase part of the good cop bad-cop formula?


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Debt Commission: Humor

Show me the Tax cut

All those years of left wing class warfare about cuts for the rich but none for the rest of us we’re liberal lies. Plain and simple. You can’t extend something that does not exist.

There Is A God

The first batch of US currency with Tim Geithner’s name on it has been quarantined. About $110 billion in newly printed hundred dollar bills (loaded with new anti-counterfeiting features) were so hi-tech the printing process got screwed up, leaving blank spots on some of the bills. Rather than try to sort them, which an article at Yahoo! News claims would take at least 20 years to do by hand, they will have to set them aside for a year while they work up an automated method of sorting out the bad bills.

Drinking At Dartmouth

Image Credit: Dartmouth Jim Yong Kim, the president of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, agrees that Dartmouth has a drinking problem, but that prosecuting underage drinkers is not the answer, Melanie Plenda reports in today’s Union Leader.

This comes on the heels of yet another incident where someone served alcohol to minors.  So right away we can see the error of Dartmouth college President Jim Yong Kim.  The problem (in this case) is not so much that the police are punishing underage drinkers, but that they are trying to punish people on his campus who serve alcohol to a minor, in this case a seventeen year old high school student.

  Perhaps Dartmouth would like to follow Harvard’s lead? 

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Unemployment Up

For people seeking jobs, that’s not a happy tale to tell. But it’s not the only tale. Texas is creating jobs. And New Hampshire has an opportunity to charge after Texas, even do them one better, and become the beacon of the Northeast. It’s something we need to do. There are people out there looking for work. We just need to give them a reason to come here to find it.

Things Are Looking Up

This is the picture that has replaced the mug shot of former House speaker Terie Norelli on the General Court Web Site.   I’m already pleased with the direction New Hampshire has taken since the election.

What’s Greene Shaheen Up To?

corn snake
corn snake

Senator Shaheen has signed onto a letter to Senate Majority leader Reid and Minority leader McConnell, suggesting that the corn based ethanol mandates, and all the tariffs and protections associated with it, not be extended.  Your initial reaction might be surprise, but this is not in and of itself surprising.  Shaheen is on the record being against them since at least 2008 when she ran for the US Senate but not because she is against ethanol.  Her problem is the kind of ethanol, and so we can assume her co-signers have similar issues.

On the surface they are claiming to be against the law (the mandate) that props up ethanol on three fronts and also gives 31 billion dollars to the oil companies to offset the cost of forcing them to add ethanol to fossil based motor fuels.  I’m against corporate welfare so I can’t object to repeal even with ulterior motives, but this starts off as a calculated, backhanded poke in the eye, not just to the stupidity of the subsidy regime that liberals normally love, but to big oil.  And we should expect oil to get screwed. We should simply accept that even with repeal of the ethanol mandate, we could still see the government use other means of legislative or bureaucratic force to keep ethanol in the fuel supply and pass those costs off to the oil companies.  If they can screw oil and get what they really want along the way, that’s a dream come true to Progressives.  But what do these signers really want?

As usual, nothing in Washington is quite what it seems.

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