
Yes, the very tax cuts that did not even exist, the ones GWB screwed the Middle class out of for the better part of the decade, just appeared at the wave of a talking point memo, whipping out seven years of dishonest, backhanded, left wing class warfare rhetoric, simply because it had suddenly become politically convenient to have democrats extending something they insisted never even existed.

NoLabels, NoWay

I think I nailed it on the head (here) back on November 17th with my first impression of the group NoLabels.  But now that the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA), whom I have often opined springs from the same pedigree of liberal-fronted groups pretending to be middling ports of in-betweenedness in the political/ideological storm, is seeking the opinion of its members on NoLabels effort to penetrate New Hampshire, it is time to revisit this.

Let me save you the trouble of wondering what they are about.  I believe NoLabels goal is to shift the electorate to the left.  Their first, and so far only plank, is to open primaries to everyone who can vote.   Now ask yourself, who does that help?

It helps Democrats.

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Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air shares with us Senator Jeff Sessions revelation that despite the events of early November, Mr. Reid has submitted his badly written DREAM act aka-amnesty bill, on four seperate occassions in recent months. Ed brings the point home so well I’ll not even try to do better. (As if I even could)

Food For Thought

Over here, you’ll find Senator Shaheen crowing about how great the new food safety bill is, and how she, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, helped pass it. (It’s crap like all the other dem bills but that’s not why she’s an ass.)
She is an ass because (and if it makes you feel better Judd Gregg is an ass for being both a co-sponsor and a yeah vote) there are provisions in this Senate bill (S510) that….raise taxes.

One More for Reid

Nevada must be ….so proud. The Lame Duck agenda is rigged…says Democrat Senator.

Stieg Larsson Is A Dead Marxist

IImage Credit: Shelfari had occasion to spend an above average amount of time in the "reading room" over the weekend.  No need to go into specifics but perhaps the words Whole Bowel Cleanse, give you some idea of what I mean.

While so positioned, I managed to cram all 590 pages of Stieg Larsson’s book ‘The girl with the dragon tattoo‘ into my reading diet and let me say this; if you can get past the first 190 pages the next 400 are worth the time.  I enjoyed the bulk of the book immensely, despite the fact that I was trapped in "the reading room" and that it was written by a now dead Marxist. 

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Landmark Ruling?

It is never a good idea to expect any kind of consistency in the application of rulings by your State Supreme Court but in this case they did and I have to wonder what the broader applications could be? 

The New Hampshire State Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit in which a golfer sued a golf course because he got hit in the eye by his own shot (off a yard marker).

Dan Tuohy, correspondent for the Union Leader reports today that Paul F. Sanchez does not have a case against Candia Woods Golf Course, which is mundane until you read the language used by the court to explain its dismissal.

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Carol Soros-Porter 2.0 [Updated]

Carol's Sugar Daddy?Nothing says banking, special interests, or rich SOB’s like George Soros.  So as you contemplate all the things you have to be thankful for, one of which has to include the defeat of Carol Shea-Porter just a few weeks ago, ask yourself why the guy who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars and fronted dozens of groups, for the sole purpose of destroying America from within, has a family interest in the political fortunes of the soon to be former congresswoman from CD-01?

[updated] Seems there is more Soros support for Carol, call it institutional support, going all the way back to 2007.  Every time we turn around there is another member of the Soros Clan turning up as a donor to our de-throned congressperson.  SO many, in fact, I’ve had to push them to the jump to fit them all.

Updated list on the jump.

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A Message From Barack

I just got this email from the President. (me an anyone else on that email list) Steve — When Michelle and I sit down with our family to give thanks today, I want you to know that we’ll be especially grateful for folks like you. Everything we have been able to accomplish in the last … Read more

A Real Separation Of Powers

Separation of powers is something of a throw-away phrase for the Socialist-Democrat-Progressives.  They hand it out like a comfort object to the public, a sort of well-worn teddy bear for the masses.  It is meant to remind you that no matter what they do (or did) that bear will be there to help you feel better.

So what if it is a highly regulated bear, made by dues paying  union workers, stuffed with warning labels, wearing a little red hat with a hammer and sickle on it, and maybe even an Obama T-shirt for good measure.

Separation of powers is also this idea where the three branches are divided to ensure that the tyrannical might of the federal government is divided to protect the rights of the people.  This used to work, right up until someone wrote the seventeenth amendment, and then politicized the national court system.  At that point we no longer had separation of powers just the separation of parties, except where the two parties agree; in which case we are looking at an Oligarchy by direct democracy, which is one of the shortest paths by which little Red Totalitarian-Riding hood arrives at Comrade Grandma’s house.

Why do you think both parties appear to be moving to opposite extreme’s?  Why are states rebelling against the federal government?  Because the system was broken on purpose, by progressives, who need direct democracy so that fear and intimidation can drive the polity to allow top down federal rule as the only viable solution.

So our central planning friends view separation of powers to mean separating you from their power, so they can go about the business of managing your lives, and no one has worked harder or longer to excise the power from the people than democrats, though the ruling class Neo-Cons have done plenty to help fill the picnic basket for grandma.

But there is a solution to this problem, one that can relieve the pressure of special interests, the boys club mentality, and the lack of responsiveness by the federal legislature to the state and the people.

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Nothing Says Thanksgiving Like Property Rights…

..Just ask the Pilgrims.  Or maybe you can watch this video from Reason TV.  

Elephant Innards

Any migration of Republicans away from a vote for “Speaker O’Brien” might say more about Gene Chandler than it does Bill. It might mean that Gene was either insincere in his request for unity–and I am on the record both commending him and taking him at his word for that stance–or it demonstrates his inability to control even those who would have chosen him as their House Speaker.

Not An Orignal Thought Between Them

The progressives are looking for a name for Kathy Sullivan’s 501(4)c secret-donor non-profit.  Well how about "Amercian Bridge?" 

Why name it that?  Because it would fit nicely with a national group ‘American Bridge" set up by David Brock, a prominent democrat political operative, who runs an array of groups under the left wing "Media Matters," a non-profit that does not need to disclose it’s donors either–and from whom he will tap resources to fund his new group meant to do battle with similar groups on the right.

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Obama Dissaporval Reaches 60% (From Zogby!)

  Good to see that post election bounce…er, I mean…(what’s the opposite of bounce?) Courtesy of Zogby International with a H/T to Hot Air!

Some Advice From Across The Pond

Want to better understand the relationship between public and private sector jobs, tax production and consumption, without sitting through a boring three hour lecture?  Here it is an just under six minutes from our friends in England.   Now, go explain it to your progressive friends, the ones who have been supporting all those high-paying … Read more

Chris Christie v. Teachers Union. (again)

What better way to start Thanksgiving week than with some wisdom from the kind of chief executive we wish we had, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie?

Nothing Fair About It

Every now and people who appear rational find themselves repeating nonsense, usually in the Nashua Telegraph which is one of New Hampshire leading sources for editorial nonsense.  This time around it’s a guest commentary from Robert Collinsworth, who has an internet footprint large enough to identify him as an otherwise sensible guy.  So why has he taken to the editorial pages to sell the left wing meme that there is a gender/wage gap?

I only bring it up because his reasoning is right out of the liberal weenie play book.  Women only make 0.78/$1.00 compared to men.  He then asks why Republicans in the US senate are blocking the liberal legislation being sold as a fix, as if we can and should trust this unexplored talking point.

Rather than try explore any one persons motivations or sanity, we should probably just look deeper into the issue, and a Bill that looks like it creates more problems than it solves.  (Links and resources on the jump.) 

Like most liberal shibboleths Paycheck Fairness is based on incomplete analysis to pander to a bloc of voters the democrats have identified as worthy of their endless grievance mongering.  To repeat their talking points is, as far as I can tell, not worthy of Mr. Collinsworth or anyone else.

This is not an issue that can be evaluated strictly on the price paid for an hour of labor averaged across the full spectrum of work and wages.  To do so ignores every other factor in life, the free market, and the real danger that the legislative solution being proposed creates.

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Black On Happy Meals

Lewis Black offers some welcome perspective on the San Francisco Hally Meal Ban. "So let me get this straight. "The town that gives away clean syringes to heroin addicts won’t let your kid have a Buzz Lightyear with his Happy Meal because it sends the wrong message?" That more or less covers the priorities of … Read more

What The…?

Did anyone happen to notice the names bandied about in this Weeks Granite Status for the job of New Hampshire GOP state chairman? John DiStaso mentions Jim Bender again, who I was told is not as interested as people think (always subject to change depeneding on whom you are speaking to); Jennifer Horn–who is getting nudged by the more conservative/libretarian elements along with Ovide Lamontagne who was an early favorite with the new Republicans; and then there’s Juliana Bergeron and Jim Foley–both of whom are (as far as I can tell) from the Fergus Cullen wing of the party.

Ben Bernanke Tossed Under The Bus

If you are unsure why government is too big and why the Fed must be audited and then dismantled –You Have To Watch This.      (H/T Big

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