Riot Protest arson vandalism

Riot, Loot, and Burn

Chicago, Chicago, that bussing town, where violent protesters aka rioters, have set fires, destroyed property, and created massive havoc along with 11 murders and multiple assaults, is again in the news. With a new mayor, are things going to change?

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Grokified Treehugger Logo

DISQUS Doodlings: Are You Willing to Pay My Larger Marginal Costs That You Wish to Foist upon Me?

OK, over at Treehugger on this older post, I got more than a little pointed.  I’m tired of the virtue-signaling of these Eco-Socialists and their nonchalant /passive-aggresive manner of telling people what they are supposed to be doing in prostrating themselves before GAIA in earning their way into No-Carbon Nirvana. No matter how much it costs those of us on the wrong end – mandatory indulgences.

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Biden is Iran’s preferred candidate.

Biden is Iran’s Preferred Candidate

Biden is Iran’s preferred candidate. Did you know that? Do you think they went out door-knocking for him? If you voted for Joe Biden you should understand who else supports him. It tells us something about his policy positions.

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Di Lothrop

Donald Trump Was Always My First Choice

THERE THEY GO AGAIN! Some Union Leader columnists with their Trump-hating rhetoric are still trying to sabotage ethical journalism with their twisted disinformation about President Donald Trump and Republicans in general.

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Political Party Sign Post

The Benefits and Setbacks Associated with Political Parties

This refers to groupings of individuals working together by sharing a mutual ambition, vision, and goals for their respective communities. The associations could be formed nationally, regionally, or at local levels, meeting habitually, creating platforms representing their specific values and vision. Furthermore, they send their members or representatives to vie for political seats. The prime … Read more

The Greatest Egalitarian Effort Ever

The start According to Harry Truman more than half the people in the world were living in conditions approaching misery in 1949. Since then the world has been making progress in lifting people out of poverty. The impoverished number fell by half as a share of the total population in developing countries, from 43% to … Read more


Tales from the BudComm – Policy trumps appropriations?

Yep, now ’tis the season – budget season for the town and school district in my little hamlet.  Per normal, the school district is the larger by twice even as enrollment is going down – that percentage never seems to change.  However, we do the town budget first calendar wise and we’ve already started doing our subcommittee investigations.

My first one was “chaired” by another BudComm member and the town department (e.g., Administration et al) was handled by the Town Administrator.  Now, I really do wish that I had brought my camera (have been doing the “real” meetings but not the subs, as this season I backed off compared to last year).  Why?

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Consider the consequence of a decision – or the keeping of a promise

Unlike our Tranparency-in-Chief Obama who has, over and over, promised that his Administration would be the most transparent ever (as in former EPA Head Lisa Jackson using TWO unofficial email address to keep official business, well, opaque to the public), this boss was very transparent as to what would happen:

A southwest Ohio woman says she was fired three days after the November election because she voted for President Barack Obama.

She dared him

The woman has filed a lawsuit in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court seeking damages starting at $25,000 against Q-Mark Inc. and its president. The Dayton-based company is a sales firm representing manufacturers and defense contractors.

The Dayton Daily News  reports that Patricia Kunkle alleges that company President Roberta Gentile told employees last year that Obama supporters would be the first to be terminated if he got re-elected.

 He met the dare….how dare he!

The company says she was laid off for economic reasons and cited uncertainty over U.S. defense spending.

 Given the sequester and its impact on the military budget AND the uncertainty of whether it will be held off plays a role in any biz decision.

Kunkle had become a full-time employee of the company in May 2012 and says she never received any negative evaluations or disciplinary action.

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BE BREITBART: Update 8: DES Right To Know Update : DOIT and DES – living up to their own policies (#FAIL)

The last post on this topic (GraniteGrok’s Right To Know to the State of NH on the non-State biz use of the State’s network: political commenting) effectively ended on these notes:

  • what did they know and when did they know it?
  • and “they did know it all and they knew it when the packets went through the system.”

Which leads up to the next important question:“…can the State live up to its own personnel policies in this area?”

This actually breaks down into two parts:

  • Can the State technically actually do what the policies say imply based on the results sent to us from our Right To Know request?
  • And if the State can technically support its policies – are they actually using those technical tools and if not, why not?

Now, I would be remiss to not point out that part of RTK for our calculus is still outstanding – Mr. Richard de Seve’s outbound (of the NH State domain) emails which the DES RTK guy has told me, multiple times now, is in process:

Request 5:

5. Any and all of Mr. de Seve’s emails that were outbound of the NH State’s domain and whose destination were other than for another NH State employee.

Response to 5:

All known emails have been collected and are currently being reviewed to determine 1) whether they are responsive to your request and 2) whether they are subject to any privilege or statutory exemption under RSA 91-4. Responsive, non-exempt emails will be provided upon completion of this review.

 So, this needs to be fit into the picture when they arrive.  In the mean time, there is more to review and our interim conclusion at the end…

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