Consider the consequence of a decision – or the keeping of a promise

by Skip

Unlike our Tranparency-in-Chief Obama who has, over and over, promised that his Administration would be the most transparent ever (as in former EPA Head Lisa Jackson using TWO unofficial email address to keep official business, well, opaque to the public), this boss was very transparent as to what would happen:

A southwest Ohio woman says she was fired three days after the November election because she voted for President Barack Obama.

She dared him

The woman has filed a lawsuit in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court seeking damages starting at $25,000 against Q-Mark Inc. and its president. The Dayton-based company is a sales firm representing manufacturers and defense contractors.

The Dayton Daily News  reports that Patricia Kunkle alleges that company President Roberta Gentile told employees last year that Obama supporters would be the first to be terminated if he got re-elected.

 He met the dare….how dare he!

The company says she was laid off for economic reasons and cited uncertainty over U.S. defense spending.

 Given the sequester and its impact on the military budget AND the uncertainty of whether it will be held off plays a role in any biz decision.

Kunkle had become a full-time employee of the company in May 2012 and says she never received any negative evaluations or disciplinary action.

So, no negative evals?  Heck, when did that ever make a difference?  In fact, I have known people to have received promotions one week and the next week were laid off (personal: at DEC in the early 80s, I got a big promotion to Sr. Consultant from 3 levels below that and a big raise to boot….and 6 weeks later was laid off when my big group of 300 highly experienced software engineers was blown apart – deal with it, ma’am).  And unlike Obama’s promises that always seem to have expiration dates (er, all?), this boss kept his.  After all, if the fact of this is true, why should he keep someone that supported another whose policies have materially affected his business such that he would make such a promise?

At least she didn’t blame Bush…

Other decisions that are popping up all over based on Obama’s biggest policy decision: Obamacare.  Lots of other folks are getting their hours cut to < 30 hours per week, or being laid off entirely due to the associated costs (like paying for the 2.4% tax on revenues (NOT profit!) from medical device manufacturers).  Most of us have seen or been told (or told) the joke of the CEO walking up and down the parking lot and noting which vehicles have Obama stickers on them).  I’ll be honest; if we still had our small biz and had to cut back and I could directly relate it a Progressive policy, well, I would make the same decision as Roberta Gentile.  After all, if an employee was helping to support policies that was attacking MY biz, that might put me AND MY FAMILY at further financial risk (after all, starting and growing a small biz requires a LARGE amount of risk and capital) or even bankruptcy, well, my decision would be a no brainer.  After all, *I* own that job, not the employee, and I’ll be darned to give a paycheck to a person that supports policies that are contrary to the well being of me, my family, and other employees.

(H/T: Big Government)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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