the-first-thanksgiving Jean Leon Gerome Ferris 1912 Weirs Times

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

Each year at this time, schoolchildren all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating. It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy … Read more

Dem Candidate Worried About “Democracy” Wants Opponent on Terror Watch List

Then he Pretends He Never Said it. Richard Lobban is running for the New Hampshire House, Grafton County District 10. He sounds like an experienced guy. Been a lot of places. Done a lot of things. His platform, however, is a lot like Kamaal Harris’s —long on imagination but short on substance—typical Dem pablum. My … Read more

Pulpit Polity – Faith, Education, and America’s Founding

Many of us know and are experiencing an intense battle for TRUTH in the public forum of our National politics. The truth about the character of our leaders. The truth about the natural design of the human race. The truth about medical practices and health issues.

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Plymouth flag wave 1

A Loyal, Hearty Group Proudly Supporting Freedom by Standing for and with Our Country’s Flag.

Something interesting has been happening Saturday mornings on the lot across from Market Basket in Plymouth, NH. This spot has been the location of an early Saturday am Flag Wave for over two years straight.

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American Flag

Join Them to Celebrate 52 Consecutive Weeks of Flag Waves!

The Plymouth, New Hampshire flag wave is celebrating its first anniversary. Fifty-Two consecutive weeks of flag waves, every Saturday, rain, snow, wind, or sun.

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Big Brother 1984 Mask Coronavirus

Seeking to Reverse the Plymouth Mask Mandate and, at the Very Least, to Create a Religious Exemption

Address of E. David Smith, Esq., to the Plymouth, New Hampshire, Select Board, on behalf of client, Mr. Tejasinha Sivalingam, in seeking to reverse the Plymouth mask mandate and, at the very least, to create a religious exemption, February 22, 2021. A video is available here.

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Ignorant Tools of the Public Health Reich

Public Health is supreme, and all Rights succumb to its primacy; unless of course, you are willing to eviscerate your own medical privacy under threat of fines and court summons by affirming to the government, the central tenet of the Fourth Reich propaganda.

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vote ballot

Blog Question of the Day – Is There a “NH Voter Silver Lining” in this Coronavirus Crisis?

I was sitting here thinking, with all the colleges sending everyone home, is 2020 the year NH has fair elections again? It will be interesting to see voter counts.

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The heart of a socialist is long – and always gets broken

BUMPED: from APRIL 17, 2016. I was searching for something else (there’s a lot that turns up with over 36,000 posts in here) but came across this about New Harmony – America’s SECOND run at Socialism (the Plymouth Pilgrims were first, IMHO) that failed horribly because all attempts at Socialism fail.  Why?  There will NEVER be “the right people to implement” because they refuse, unlike our Founders, to recognize that we humans can’t (or won’t) be “evolved”. They view us as mere parts of their “social machine” to be moved around as THEY want.  Have a read because BERNIE SANDERS!

Sanders half sign SocialismIf you are always reading, you will learn something new all the time!  And this I didn’t know, that socialism (and the tendency of Progressives to try (force?) to “perfect” others arrived here on our shores much earlier than the late 1800s in this piece labeled “The Character of a Socialist” (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Upon initial inspection, Bernie Sanders’ near monolithic appeal to America’s youngest voters is perplexing. Why would the first generation of the 21st Century gravitate toward a living relic of the 20th Century who has made it his objective to rehabilitate the very worst idea of the 19th Century? Some say that it is a lamentable aspect of the modern age that history is poorly taught, and its lessons must be eternally relearned. The appeal of Bernie Sanders-style socialism may, however, have as many roots in the simple absence of a degree of prudence and wisdom, qualities that cannot be conferred in a classroom.

Nope, sometimes you need “failure experience” – something that these youngers haven’t had the time to get (and still quite full of themselves to boot).

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Because They Voted Where It Matters

College kids bussed to polling places by liberals democrats and UNH has an article today observing that pro-obama turnout in New Hampshire’s college towns is less than it was in 2008.  There is very intentional mention of concerns (from folks like myself I assume) about out of state students being used to tip the election; but how no one could ever know how they’d vote, and about the promtion by Democrats of the idea that Republicans were tyring to keep them from voting which is why they should.

So much concern in one tiny little article, complete with deceptions, and a new narrative to plumb.

Well I just happen to have a very workable theory about why turnout in NH College towns was down–something I had not considered checking until now, thank you–and it ties directly to a well worn New Hampshire Democrat excuse about why they support out of state student voting in New Hampshire.


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