Dem Candidate Worried About “Democracy” Wants Opponent on Terror Watch List

Steve MacDonald

Then he Pretends He Never Said it.

Richard Lobban is running for the New Hampshire House, Grafton County District 10. He sounds like an experienced guy. Been a lot of places. Done a lot of things.

His platform, however, is a lot like Kamaal Harris’s —long on imagination but short on substance—typical Dem pablum. My second favorite is how he’s going to protect health freedoms when NH Dems were almost universal in their terrorism of everyone, especially women, over masks and vaccines and deciding what drugs they should have and could not (mRNA and Paxlovid – Yes. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine – No!).

Nurses lost their jobs, women lost businesses, and families lost health insurance on the Dem pandemic compliance altar. Where were Lobban and his cackle fans then? Cheering the demise! And despite the science proving those women right months or years later, apologies (reparations?) are in short supply. And we know why. Dick isn’t talking about health or freedom or even choice because Democrats don’t want to allow it, and COVID proved it.

But he has a much bigger problem than that.

At a Plymouth Democrats Candidate night on Sept 24th, Richard Lobban (there is evidence of an advanced case of TDS if you suffer through all of his remarks) lobbed this bomb at what was clearly a receptive audience. The smear begins at 1:02:00

He says he’ll try to get a political opponent on the terrorism watch list.

Lobban mentioned Defending Democracy quite a bit, but it doesn’t seem as important to you as using government influence or force arbitrarily against your political enemies. Or is that what you meant?

The next clip includes the first and then what follows – Lobban saying he can’t recall the terror watch list remark and hinting that (well, you know) AI might have been at play.

Lobban got a big laugh from everyone at the Plymouth Democrats candidate night. Many people shared his joy at the idea of putting a Republican opponent on a terror watch list, which – as I’ve said -is an exciting way for a bunch of people so concerned about Democracy to act.

No truer expression can likely be found this campaign season. Dems have laughed about the government using force against their political opponents since the Obama era. Dick is just another despotic Dem pretending Democracy means something to him that it doesn’t.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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