Something interesting has been happening Saturday mornings on the lot across from Market Basket in Plymouth, NH. This spot has been the location of an early Saturday am Flag Wave for over two years straight.
Not one Saturday has gone by without a loyal, hearty group proudly supporting freedom by standing for and with our country’s flag. Photos of this past Saturday’s event are attached.
In the early days of the flag wave, responses were about 60% positive. The negative 40% were crassly revealed by the scowls, middle fingers, curses, and thumbs down crowd. Positive responses were demonstrated by beeps, waves, and thumbs up. Some supporters demonstrated their support by donating coffee and donuts. Fast forward to today, we get high 90’s support. Really quite remarkable.
Subzero weather doesn’t deter, nor do important events. For example, a large number of the local flag wavers were at the State GOP Convention in Salem, NH the last Saturday in January. Yet the flags still waved despite a diminished presence. Why were these flag wavers in Salem? It so happens that a good many of the flag wave group were in Salem, NH, on official business. They were at the annual GOP convention as duly elected State Committee Members, not by accident. Some ran for and got elected as Delegates. These Delegates then made sure everyone from this group who wanted was nominated to serve as State Committee members. Other Grafton county Delegates saw the enthusiasm and voted every single flag-waver nominated onto the State Committee. Amazing.
We were all so proud to sit alongside our flag-waving friends in the Grafton County section at the GOP Convention. Our section loudly and proudly supported various issues, referendums, and our favorite candidates. We saved our loudest support to welcome President Trump as he stepped up to the podium.
One referendum that we helped pass was a censure of Mitch McConnell, who, you might remember, denied financial support for Granite State favorite General Don Bolduc. Although this censure was not well publicized, the positive reactions from the Grafton County contingent were a high point for many of us.
We gave the newly elected GOP State Chair Chris Agar, and Vice Chair Ryan Terrell strong support and a hearty Granite State welcome when results were announced.
Some have said that all politics are local. Our experience confirms that local politics do indeed exist and actually help make a difference.
Here’s a recent note from Mike McLaughlin, the de facto leader of the flag wave group;
Hello Patriots,
At times like this you have to admire the composure of The American People and restrain from lashing out due to our faith in God and country. Patience builds perseverance. Our greatest generations have proven that over history. That is exactly why our enemies are attacking our posterity. WE, above all else, have to protect our children.
If I were an enemy to the USA, I would be ecstatic over the path of weakening the psychological and physical demise of the future generations of the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world. Dousing the light of the last bastion of freedom is all any tyranny needs to prevail. Will our generation allow it to fall? What will our 250th year look like? That’s right around the corner in 2026. That’s the next POTUS’s term.
A highlight of my childhood was our bicentennial, 1976, growing up in the heartland, our fathers working in American industries, appreciating our history and how young WE really are, watching steamboats parade up and down the Ohio & Mississippi rivers, traveling freely across our great nation enjoying the beauty of it, the different cultures and learning new ones, the camaraderie of proud Americans, “baseball, hotdogs, apple pie & Chevrolet”… After our grandfathers and fathers fought bloody wars for other nations to ensure their liberties, they came and built a stronger nation at home to ensure their posterity (US) would not suffer the ravages of war they witnessed around the world.
WE went to sleep.
WE forgot that without the strength and resolve of We The People, insidious and nefarious people will seep in and slowly turn US right back into subjects, with our own money and using our own systems, beliefs and generosity against the USA. Good news, if you are American, truly American, and believe in our ideals and foundations, you are not a ‘racist.’ Start there, and start rising out of the holes we’ve been ducking in to avoid the confrontation that is desperately needed to counter the insurgence that is funneling into OUR federal government and acting against US.
Like President Trump said, “They think they are the elites. YOU are the elite! YOU are The American People!” WE need to start proving that again. For our children’s and grandchildren’s sake. Sooner, better than later.
Meanwhile, we’re shooting balloons and UFOs down with missiles. ….