Intervention From the Heavens

Are you a Marxist/Anarchist/Islamist bent on ending America?

America has always been accepting of the fact that we are made of many. Our motto is “E pluribus unum,” from many one. There was a reason that was important enough to put on our currency. But, we aren’t reading our history.

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America was not founded on slavery.

America Was Not Founded on Slavery

The idea that America founded on slavery is an ignorant misrepresentation. Ben Shapiro addressed this leftist talking point and it bears repeating.

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Fracking Pennsylvania

Democrat Anti-Fracking Arguments Would Cost Jobs and Pennsylvania (again)

Western Pennsylvania’s energy workers hoped to communicate with the Democrat presidential candidates. The workers wanted the chance to defend the way they make their living. Their intention was to open a line of communication before the candidates decided to go to war against shale.

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Donkeys and Elephants and Economies, Oh, my!

The Republican Party (elephants) is stereotyped as more business-friendly. The stereotype says elephants favor a more limited size of government. They favor a smaller role of government in regulating the economy. But really, the important part is; they are in favor of regulating the economy.

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Why Vote Republican?

Why Vote Republican?

Why vote Republican? Well, would you vote for creation of almost 4 million jobs since the last election? Could you support that? Is it a good thing? Okay, the Republicans have got you covered. Jobs Would you vote Republican if you knew more Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history? Would … Read more


Republicans Need to Speak for and in Defense of the Economy – Because the Left Want’s to Take It Away

Leftist desperado media narratives exist to create perception. A false reality that some left-wing priority is both legitimate and of pressing public interest. In most cases, neither is true. It’s just scaremongering to facilitate your loss of liberty while Government accumulates power.

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Transgenderism: “…so they can replace the rights of citizens with the rights of government.”

by Tom Ambrose |  I’ve been watching with both fascination and horror at the increase in news stories about letting men compete as women in women’s sports. Women fought for decades for the equal opportunity to have sports available and funded for their gender so they, too, could also compete in what was once a … Read more


Defend Educational Opportunities for Low-Income Children

The tax-credit scholarship is facing multiple attacks in the legislature this year. The first one is HB 632 and is being fast-tracked to the House Ways and Means Committee, entirely skipping the Education Committee as is the usual protocol to first go to the policy committee. Although the public hearing is not scheduled yet, we expect it … Read more

School Chocie NH Opportunity

School Choice for NH: Educational Options Break the Cycle of Poverty

Brandon’s grandmother says “his educational opportunity will break the cycle of poverty and give him a better life.” Please share this message of hope with your friends.  

Conversation with ‘Grok – Jay Lucas and “American Sunshine” – Part 2

Continuing on with my conversation with Jay Lucas on his new book,  “American Sunshine: Rays of Hope and Opportunity”, here is Part 2: Previous video: Part 1 – Conversation with ‘Grok – Jay Lucas and “American Sunshine”

DISQUS Doodlings – where Dan Williams puts himself into a capitalist Mobius strip…and falls off


Once again we see the Left on display complaining that life won’t manifest itself into their whine of “equal outcomes.”  The piece by Katharine Gregg (after the jump) complains about what most Progressives do – gee, some people have a head start and familial leg up on the rest of us; she labels that “opportunity hoarding.” Gosh, hasn’t that happened in ALL economies and political systems?

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How Do You Take Down Poverty?

AEI Videos

Concord Monitor says more food stamps needed, assumes Obama re-election

If President Obama is re-elected, as the April 25, 2012 Concord Monitor editorial “Cutting food stamps to feed the rich” apparently assumes, then it is right, the Ryan budget won’t provide all the food stamps, unemployment, and other assistance that will be needed.

The Concord Monitor goes on to pooh pooh the idea of “Cadillac driving welfare queens” and undeserving welfare recipients.  Some of us are alert enough to have noticed media reports of “Cadillac driving welfare queens” who have been re-located to prison, and we are not naïve enough to think they have all been found.

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