Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

Nikki Haley Would Lose In a Landslide

Did you hear? Didn’t you hear? Koch is backing Nikki Haley! Did you hear? Did you hear? This, as far as I am concerned, proves that Nikki’s “tough talk” about the border is just that … TALK. Koch supports open borders because Koch believes that cheap labor is the path to economic prosperity.

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Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

Nikki Haley Is An IDIOT

The more Nikki Haley speaks, the more you understand that she really is NO different than the people running the Biden regime. Her latest, (Ukraine and Israel are equivalent), is exactly the argument the Biden regime is making.

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Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

And Yet Another Reason NOT To Vote For Nikki Haley

It’s not like we needed another reason NOT to vote for Nikki Haley. Shrieking “finish them” (who knew Miss Nikki was into Mortal Kombat) as advice to Israel and announcing that she is going to turn the Department of Defense into the Department of Offense were sufficient to conclude that she is a lightweight who … Read more

Is Mike Pence A Ukrainian Agent … Or Just An Idiot?

A preliminary note that Mike Pence may have “walked back” or “clarified” by the time this is posted, but as of the time I am writing this (October 10, 9 AM-ish), he has not. Pence went on CNN on Sunday and essentially blamed Hamas’ attack on Israel on Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy because they have not been sufficiently pro-Zelensky.

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Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

Nikki Haley … Abortion-Queen

The Biden-regime believe that one of the imperatives of the federal government is to promote abortions. Indeed, the Biden-regime is using military-funding to help pay for abortions. Senator Tommy Tuberville has blocked promotions in order to force the regime to stop. Nikki Haley thinks that’s “shameful”: … Tuberville placed a hold on military promotions when … Read more

Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

So You Want To Talk About China, Nikki?

Nikki Haley is tired of talking about how the Biden-regime is on the verge of imprisoning its major political rival. She apparently cannot connect the dots and see the big picture, which is that people who would imprison their political opponents are NOT going to allow a free and fair election in 2024. Nikki wants … Read more

Sen Tim Scott - youtube screen grab

You Are An Exception, Not A Success Story

Senator Tim Scott and Former Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley of South Carolina have incredible life stories that should bring hope to every American. They are genuine American tales of how anyone can rise from the lowest to the highest levels of success if they have the mindset to do so.

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