So You Want To Talk About China, Nikki?

Nikki Haley is tired of talking about how the Biden-regime is on the verge of imprisoning its major political rival. She apparently cannot connect the dots and see the big picture, which is that people who would imprison their political opponents are NOT going to allow a free and fair election in 2024. Nikki wants to talk about the security threat posed by China. So let’s indulge Nikki.

American businesses invest trillions in the Chinese economy. China uses the wealth generated by American investment to grow its military. Donor-class driven GOP politicians like Nikki then tell us we need to spend more on America’s military to keep pace with China. So everybody … Blackrock, Chase, the military-industrial complex, etc. wins!!! … EXCEPT the American working man and working woman who are stuck with paying the bill for keeping pace with China.

And donor-class driven politicians like Nikki have NO intention of ending this grift. Just the opposite … they want to grow it.

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