Nikki Haley's Holiday Gift to Iowa and New Hampshire - Granite Grok

Nikki Haley’s Holiday Gift to Iowa and New Hampshire

The Nikki Haley for El President Campaign has announced $10 million in political ad buys beginning in December. The Vegas odds suggest she will be going after Ron DeSantis in an effort to secure second place coming out of the first two contests on the Republican Primary calendar.


Details of the advertising plans, which represent the Haley campaign’s first official advertising reservation, were obtained by The Associated Press ahead of a public announcement expected Monday. Haley’s planned investment, as of now, is more than five times larger than DeSantis’ current advertising reserves for the same time period, according to the media tracking firm AdImpact.


It would appear that the Republican Establishment has made its choice, which isn’t such a bad thing for DeSantis. Being an establishment darling isn’t really his style, and looking like an outlier might actually appeal to some voters who could easily connect Haley with the warmongering Neo-Con RINOs who echo her sentiments.

Just so we are clear, I still think Haley was the best UN ambassador we ever had, but when the rubber hit the road, she listened to Swamp Rat Rasputin. Instead of standing up for her boss, who was innocent of all the charges at the time, she aped the lies of the left as sold by Republican insiders who saw Trump the way Democrats did, as a threat to their Deep State livelihood.

They picked the government before the people, and there were plenty of them.

Chris Christie fits in that category as well, a character flaw that makes both of them unelectable to me. I can’t trust either of them not to sell me out to the whims of the biggest donor or the highest bitter.

Trump is not perfect, but the left fears him, the GOPe fears him, the media fears him, and that’s something worth considering when you look at where we are today.

As for the Ad buy and the primary, Haley has been on the move while the DeSantis campaign – and I’d take him over her any day of the week and twice on Sunday – has continued to struggle for traction. He also has a better chance of ending up on a VIP shortlist. Haley stabbed Trump in the back. She needs to win this thing, or she will disappear from the national stage again until 2028.

And I don’t think 10 million is enough to change that.


Note: This piece was written before Haley’s (in my estimation) campaign ending Gaffe so ten million is definitely not enough as her opponents rhetorically beat her campaign to death with it.
