2020 is an election year

Since We’re Having an Election, Why Not Put an End to Socialism

In most election years the Democrats lie. They promise all manner of things in their attempt to buy votes. There are an endless array of government handouts, freebies and special interest priorities. We know it is bulls**t but we all wish Santa and the Easter Bunny would leave us something extra.

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Chris Sununu celebrates

Governor Sununu: “No state shall, without the consent of Congress, … enter into any agreement or compact with another state”..

That would be from the US Constitution, Article I, Sec 10 (paragraph 3) that he may be ignoring. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any … Read more

Democrats Campaign for Sununu

Democrats Campaign for Sununu ahead of State of the State

First off, let me remind Governor Sununu to use the word ‘beclown’ in his State of the State. Pet mission. Secondly, thank you to the Democrats for continuing to campaign for Sununu by reminding the electorate all he did to protect the New Hampshire Advantage and the Live Free or Die State. Ahead of today’s … Read more

andru volinsky edelblut Education

Democrats want to take stuff away from you – Case #1: #VolinskyAgenda

Yep, Andru Volinsky.  The guy that removed local control of Education via the Claremont decision.  School boards and citizens rail that the State puts too many mandates on them (like HB142 – I’m still hoping some lawyer will make me a plaintiff in a lawsuit against it) – blame current Exec. Councilor Volinsky who is … Read more

Comrade Volinksy ‘Floats’ Broad-Based Tax Option

Councilor Comrade Volinsky, who’s been ‘contemplating’ a run for NH Governor, confirmed to WMUR-TV today that he would not sign the pledge promising no broad-based taxes in New Hampshire should he win the corner office in 2020.

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To Eat or Turn On the Lights, Heat, Charge the Car?

Doesn’t wind power seem to be the path to a carbon-free energy future? It’s clean and abundant. Larger turbines have enhanced wind’s power-generating capacity. It’s all good right? Well maybe not so much. Wind energy has grown thanks largely to billions of dollars of production tax credits. That’s a tax , regulatory, and affordability issue. … Read more

PHOTOMENTARY: Preserve the New Hampshire Advantage Rally

Today was the rally to “Preserve the New Hampshire Advantage,” held by the Granite State Taxpayers organization. Governor Sununu was there as were many Granite Staters from across the state who seek to preserve the NH Advantage – less taxes, especially NO INCOME TAX, less regulations, NOT MORE and of course, our freedoms such as … Read more

Picking Up NH’s Welcome Mat to Business

What’s the issue? HB623 and SB 135 establish the rates of the business profits tax (BPT) and the business enterprise tax (BET) for taxpayer tax years ending on or after December 31, 2019 and for subsequent tax years, and repeals rate reductions effective in 2021. These are one of the more meaningful pieces of legislation … Read more

Democrats Propose a 27+% Gas Tax Increase

Is a 27% increase enough? You voted for them. Now we are going to have to live with them “helping” us in the legislature. Our very own New Hampshire Democrats are proposing that we increase the gas tax by 27+%. That will reduce your spendable income. How much it eats into your budget depends on … Read more


Josiah Bartlett: The State of the State is Hot!
Grok: We Need Your Help to Keep It That Way

New Hampshire Democrats come into power with a unique opportunity. The New Hampshire economy is screaming. The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, quoting the State’s annual report, notes that, “In 2018, New Hampshire was no.1 for economic opportunity (US News and World Report); child well-being (Annie E. Carsey Foundation), and, for the fourth year in … Read more

Bob Greene – candidate for NH State House, Hillsborough County District 37 (Hudson/Pelham)

bob_greene_portraitHello! I’m Bob Greene and I’m running for NH State Rep in Hillsborough District 37 (Hudson/Pelham). I’m a 13-year Hudson resident, married to Kathy for 29 years, and a 20-year Air Force veteran with assignments in Illinois, Germany and Hanscom AFB. I currently work as a communications specialist for the defense industry and am a member of the National Rifle Association and American Legion. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal responsibility, and the Rule of Law.

I’ve steadily ramped up my activism over the past several years — from attending presidential candidate town halls and NH GOP summits, to participating in focus groups which have appeared on Fox News Channel, to attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) the past three years in a row. The next logical step for me is to get off the sidelines and run for NH State Rep, because although we currently have a Republican majority in the House, we have too many reps in our party who either 1) don’t represent the party’s interests by kowtowing to unions or political correctness or 2) have poor attendance/voting records in Concord, resulting in devastating GOP losses on the House floor on several critical issues. My goal will be 100% attendance in NH House sessions — no less, since I have the flexibility with my employer to be in Concord for all sessions and committee work. And I am making a solemn promise to my future House GOP colleagues and my constituents to have a voting record that truly represents my district’s and party’s values and supports the NH Advantage.

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“Ax The Property Tax” and Replace it With What?

Mark Fernald is a Democrat running for the New Hampshire State Senate. His campaign signs say “Ax the Property Tax.” If that sounds too good to be true it is because it is.

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Bangor Maine Company Moving to New Hampshire

Bangor Daily News. Maine has a “far less than friendly business environment, and that’s clear, no matter what our friend Mr. LePage puts out there,” he said Wednesday morning. “On several levels, I regret leaving the Bangor area, but from a purely economic point of view it doesn’t make sense to stay here any longer.” -Lee Coyle, … Read more

New Hampshire Advantage Strikes Again

“New Hampshire is a very cost-effective opportunity for us to build out and grow the company,” he said. “Definitely that facility, NH Advantage - Freedom, low taxes, low crime, low poverty, high quality of life, high average income, and more.staying in the area where we’re at, provided the most business advantages for us and that growth.”

-Enterasys President and CEO Chris Crowell in the Union Leader.

Enterasys is moving 540 jobs to Salem New Hampshire from Massachusetts and adding about 80 more as part of the move.  They want to stay in New England, and New Hampshire offers them the best growth opportunity to do that.   Hell yeah, it does.

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