Comrade Volinksy ‘Floats’ Broad-Based Tax Option

Councilor Comrade Volinsky, who’s been ‘contemplating’ a run for NH Governor, confirmed to WMUR-TV today that he would not sign the pledge promising no broad-based taxes in New Hampshire should he win the corner office in 2020.

Now, that’s not really a surprise, but the fact that he’s saying the quiet part out loud is quite telling of how far left the NH Democrat base has moved.  Even just two years ago, a Democrat in New Hampshire pushing for a sales or income tax would get them nearly excommunicated from their own party.  In 2020, it seems they’re going to embrace these broad-based taxes with open arms.

This should be a gift to Republicans state-wide.  Already this year, Governor Chris Sununu has received a wide outpouring of support for veto-ing a ‘payroll’ tax (income tax) thinly-disguised as Paid Family Medical Leave.

Shortly thereafter, Senator Jeanne Dietsch (Senate 9) actually introduced legislation to impose a 6.5% income tax on earners over 133,000 — stating that making that much makes you ‘so rich it’s painless’ and that most of those earners ‘would be happy to pay it.’


Good luck Comrade Volinsky, and on behalf of Republicans — thank you for saying the quiet part out loud!


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