US Federal Elections Govt EC Logo

‘Grok Gauntlets – Yep, Time to Get Started. Helps to Start at the Beginning!

‘Grok Gauntlets – I describe them as the same as journalists’ “Round Tables” with candidates but with much better Conservative oriented questions. Generally, FAR different questions to boot. But in order to get to the ‘Grok Gauntlets, we need to do the invites. 

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Alaska’s Dan Sullivan win his US Senate re-election bid

Which puts the GOP at 50 seats with two seats left to decide – both in the Georgia runoffs to be held on Jan 5th. It’s about freaking time – he’s been ahead 2-1 almost since Election Day Week Month Year (seems like it’s been a whole year….) Day. Speaking of Georgia. The Democrats have … Read more

Eli Clemmer

This is the time for Unity. 

With a primary this Tuesday we must remember that working together to unseat the Democrats is our primary goal. To this end, I, Eli Clemmer, am supporting and endorsing my prior primary opponent Steve Negron for U.S. Congress in the 2nd District.

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Corey Lewandowski

Your dramatic pause reached its expiration point a while ago…get on with it

If. If. If. If… Dear Corey, Look, you and I have known each other for a long, long time. I still appreciate what you did for GraniteGrok when we were just starting out when you were the Exec. Dir. for AFP/NH – you always looked out for us at your events and always made it … Read more

Bill Obrien CNHT Picnic

Former Speaker of the NH House Bill O’Brien Addresses the Crowd at the CNHT Picnic

Bill O’Brien was the next speaker (Speaker speaker??) at the Annual Picnic held by the Coalition of NH Taxpayers.  He went from theme to theme and almost all of them aimed at the US Federal Ambassador to NH, Jeanne Shaheen. Remember her?

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Jeanne Shaheen Just “Proved” a Stereotype

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen went there in a “rapid response” email blast after US Army General (ret) Don Bolduc announced his run to put her into retirement.

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Funny, that’s not what he’s told me several times – Jay Lucas

This caught my eye this morning where a piece talking about possible GOP contenders to US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (reformatted, emphasis mine): Soon there will be two U.S. Senate GOP rivals to Shaheen The first Republican challenger to U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., will make it official on Monday but he won’t be alone for … Read more

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