‘Grok Gauntlets – Yep, Time to Get Started. Helps to Start at the Beginning!


‘Grok Gauntlets – I describe them as the same as journalists’ “Round Tables” with candidates but with much better Conservative oriented questions. Generally, FAR different questions to boot. But in order to get to the ‘Grok Gauntlets, we need to do the invites.  To do the invites, we have to know everyone that is running.  So last night, I spent some time over at the FEC site – Federal Election Committee.  If you are running for Federal Office, do you have a lot to do!  But it’s a handy reference to see who has signed up and who hasn’t.

Soooo….here’s who I know for now.  All are Republicans, so assume they are unless marked with a D (Ray Buckley, NH Dem Party Chair, very seldom allows for Primaries).

US Congress

NH First Congressional District (NH CD-1)

  • Acciard, Julian Marc
  • Baxter, Tim
  • Huff Brown, Gail
  • Kilbane, Mark
  • Mowers, Matt
  • Pappas, Chris CD-1 incumbent (D)

NH Second Congressional District (NH CD-2)

  • Black, Scott
  • Bryk, William Michael
  • Burns, Robert Andrew
  • Cozzens, Jeff
  • Greeson, Jeffrey
  • Kauffman, Jeremy
  • Kuster, Annie CD-2 incumbent (D)
  • Poirier, Dean Allan
  • Williams, Lily Tang


  • Bolduc, Don
  • Hassan, Margaret Wood incumbent (D)
  • Lamare, Dennis R
  • LaPlante, Edmond Joseph JR
  • Martin, Andy
  • Smith, Kevin H
  • Morse, Chuck
  • Sharpe, Thomas V
  • Sivalingam, Tejasinha


Now, State-wide NH based races don’t appear there but here’s what I know about the race for NH Governor


  • Sherman, Tom (D)
  • Riley, Thad
  • Sununu, Chris T incumbent (R)
  • Testerman, Karen

Now, there’s a few folks listed above that I’ve never heard of before (e.g., Sharpe? Bryk? Kauffman? Poirier?) so I’m betting there’s a few more.  So if you know of anyone that I’ve missed, let me know and I’ll add them to the list.

Also, we’re going to try to get video of them and their stump speeches.  I’ve already got one volunteer (Thanks, Dave!) to help out as there are just too many of them and too many places to get to. I’d love more for better coverage, so email me at Skip@GraniteGrok.com if you might be interested.  Just let me know where you’re located and I can start watching for someone coming to your area.

And if you happen to know anyone on any campaign staff, let them I’m looking for them.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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