Reading education sunset Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The Social Contract, Positive and Negative Rights, and the State’s Encroachment Through Public Education

In the landscape of political philosophy, the concept of the social contract plays a pivotal role in understanding the relationship between individuals and the state. Central to this theory are the ideas of positive and negative rights, each representing fundamentally different obligations of the individual, government, and society. While positive rights require the state to provide specific benefits … Read more

Liberty is freedom from Government - Von Mises

Notable Quote – Liberty?

How can liberty be anything other than negative?  Liberty is the absence of external control.  Only in our age of collective thinking and untidy language could such a thing as “positive liberty” be conceived.  The state power to coerce is not liberty. -Bruce Walker (Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak) Because Socialists never talk about that in … Read more

30 day trial of Socialism

Notable Quote – Jim Buchanan

Frank Knight could never have joined those of the self-selected elite who, in idea or practice, seek to plan, steer, or direct the lives of those who are excluded. He was a classical liberal, not because he predicted that only with widespread individual liberty would desired results be generated, but because the liberal order is … Read more

Quick Thought – On the fallacy of “Self-described Experts” by Maura Sullivan (Democrat Carpetbagger in CD-1)

New WMUR logowhich “Supply Sullivan” wants us to swallow: hook, line, and trigger. I haven’t watched the WMUR debates yet but will do so because, well, I should.  Still, this sound byte from their News caught my ear (emphasis mine):

“I believe the veterans in Congress are going to lead on this because we have an unassailable credibility when it comes to guns. And we can say on the House floor, we used these in Iraq, people used them in Afghanistan. They don’t belong in Manchester and they don’t belong in Hampton. they don’t belong anywhere in this country.”

-Maura Sullivan

No, you don’t.  This is the falsehood by a “in Supply” dud who

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Which CD-2 GOP Candidate said “Government’s job is to provide opportunity for all”?

Again, I get stuff.  Last Thursday, the Cheshire County Republican Committee held a debate for the Republicans vying to be the NH GOP victor in the primary in September for CD-2.  What was brought to my attention was this line (video starts at 11:45 into the event):

“Government’s job is to provide opportunity for all of us.”

Let that sink in for a second.

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And more words from a Democrat Socialist, Levi Sanders. Guess what’s missing from his rant?

Levi Sanders and Brother from another mother Barry-O
Levi Sanders and ideological brother from another mother Barry-O

“What you just heard is that Chris Pappas doesn’t believe in a ‘Medicare For All’ single-payer healthcare system,” Sanders said. “So I want to ask Chris and all the other people who don’t believe in it:  How do you plan to deal with the issues of co-payments, deductibles and premiums?”

“I talk to people all over the district and they tell me they have stomach aches and anxiety disorders from worrying about what’s happening with their healthcare,” Sanders said. “We need a health care system that is free for every man, woman and child. That means no co-payments, no deductibles and no premiums.”

Which translates to “no self-responsibility”.  In essence, a complete reversal of the American ideal of

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