And more words from a Democrat Socialist, Levi Sanders. Guess what’s missing from his rant?

by Skip
Levi Sanders and Brother from another mother Barry-O
Levi Sanders and ideological brother from another mother Barry-O

“What you just heard is that Chris Pappas doesn’t believe in a ‘Medicare For All’ single-payer healthcare system,” Sanders said. “So I want to ask Chris and all the other people who don’t believe in it:  How do you plan to deal with the issues of co-payments, deductibles and premiums?”

“I talk to people all over the district and they tell me they have stomach aches and anxiety disorders from worrying about what’s happening with their healthcare,” Sanders said. “We need a health care system that is free for every man, woman and child. That means no co-payments, no deductibles and no premiums.”

Which translates to “no self-responsibility”.  In essence, a complete reversal of the American ideal of containing government to preserve Individual Liberties – a sense of negative Rights in that Government can’t do things TO you.  But Levi Sanders (son of Bernie) is akin to the other Democrat Socialists – screw the Founders vision, it is all about “positive” Liberties.  Once again, FDR’s Second Bill of Rights (that turns the Constitution upside down and ripped apart) comes back to haunt us in that the Proper Role of Government is that Government HAS to provide for all of your needs from birth to death.  It is Obama’s “Julia” on steroids – the only thing that matters is your relationship with Government.

And the Government that controls your healthcare is going to control other things as well (as we are now seeing being implemented at a torrid pace): your personal behaviors, your personal speech, your personal relationships, your religious beliefs, your diet, your schooling; the list keeps going on as politicos (sadly, on both sides of the aisle) refuse to acknowledge that sometimes, the best thing is to say “No, that is not what we are supposed to be doing”.

And for good measure, Sanders added this:

Sanders also called for free dental care.

So, Son of Bernie has persuaded that all of the doctors, all of the nurses, all of the other health providers, all of the landowners, all of the financiers, all of the business insurance folks, all of the utility workers, all of the building supplier middlemen, the supplier manufacturers, the hydrocarbon workers, the farmers, the miners, the manufacturers – ALL of them have agreed to work for FREE?

That’s a whole lot of generous people who have given up their time and property to do nice things for others….oh wait!

Levi, along with his Dad, will FORCE them to essentially work for free.  That’s the Big Lie about Socialism (and how Von Bismark was able to roll up the Germanic city-states back in the 1880s) that everything is free and you can should have to outsource your “worries” to government.

To get it for free, you only have to do one thing – outsource yourself, totally, to the Gubbmint.  The State.  Period.  And not just some, not just most – but entirely.  You WILL give yourself to the Hobbesian Leviathan.  To get all these things for free that Sanders and the others tell you that you’re entitled to require EVERYTHING from you.  As the Democrats have said, Government is the one thing that we all belong to.

They just never want to explain the full nuance behind their words.

(H/T: Michael Graham at NH Journal)

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