Notable Quote – Jim Buchanan

by Skip

Frank Knight could never have joined those of the self-selected elite who, in idea or practice, seek to plan, steer, or direct the lives of those who are excluded. He was a classical liberal, not because he predicted that only with widespread individual liberty would desired results be generated, but because the liberal order is required to allow individuals, all individuals, to define their own objectives.

-Jim Buchanan

You might have to reread that several times in order to be able to see the two important parts of what is being said. Thus, Prof. Don Boudreaux’s words (that accompany the above), make it clearer:

Neither society in general nor the economy specifically is an engineering project to be ‘maximized,’ ‘optimized,’ or whateverized either by the market’s invisible hand or by the state’s visible fist. And individuals are not fleshy Lego pieces to be assembled or arranged by a giant planner.

Who’d have ever thought that simply being outside away from your home would be worth of the cessation of your liberties (e.g., jail) or confiscation of your private property (e.g., your cash via fines).

Progressivism (the “sleight of dictionary” that Americans returning from Germany used instead of “Socialism”) were all imbued with the idea that Liberty was a second rate (or less) idea. Instead, Society, in order to achieve maximal value, had to be directed by “Elites” just as the Captains of Industry during the Industrial Revolution were Masters of their companies. While the ideals of our Founders of limiting Government so as to allow each person to find their own happiness THEIR way, these nascent totalitarians flipped that on its head so that Government MUST have an active hand in “helping” you achieve your best potential.

That is, as they decided what that should be. And they continue in the same vein today with one-size-fits-all policies that in providing “positive rights” also have tremendous strings attached – resulting in only the Freedom that is allowed by Government.

So, by the way, how is YOUR 30 day Free Trial of Socialism going, whereby the Government is “protecting you”? Enjoying all of the Freedoms being taken away to be safe?

And given the heavy hand that has been set onto the economy, how are you feeling about all those empty shelves in the stores (at least those you are allowed to enter)? Nice to see this historical recreation of Soviet Union economics up close and personal, eh?

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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