ANNA MUSSMAN: How Our New Definition Of Freedom Causes Cruelty: In the past, freedom meant to ability to obey one’s beliefs. Now, freedom is the ability to require others to obey one’s own beliefs about oneself.
Kamala lives and breathes the sort of thinking, systemic democrat thinking, that anything they like is to be treated as a Right. And with this, she aligns herself with the Civilian Disarmament Corp, which is to say that only Government is allowed to have a monopoly on Force (yes, there is no Second Amendment extant because “Common Sense” says there shouldn’t be one. But she did say it:
Kamala Harris, the … Democratic nominee for President, has made what she calls “freedom to live safe from gun violence” an important plank of her presidential campaign. At her first rally last month, she expressed support for policies, including passage of so-called red flag laws, universal background checks and a prohibition of sales of assault weapons to civilians.
As Tom Knighton observes, the government would have to be able to watch every citizen, know every citizen’s thoughts and intents, and react a mere millisecond after each citizen’s act of violence to keep us safe from harm (gun violence or any other risk). Do you know what kind of Government that is?
A police state.
Do YOU want to live in such a state of being? Most likely not, but I’m betting that Communist Red Diaper Baby Kackles (yes, Daddy was a Marxist professor) would be more than happy to provide and manage such a United States of America. We used to be what was called a “permissionless” Republic – to implement this would require a “Daddy, May I” one (which is to say, no Republic at all but a Totalitarian Dystopia).
I never went to law school like Kamala did, but the first question is:
One of the biggest decisions we have in November is THE Proper Question: What kind of America do we wish to have? We are faced on being on the Train of Socialism / Progressivism that Obama and the Democrats, as they sit in the Engineer’s seat, hand on the full open throttle, have us rocketing towards the trestle bridge of failure: What is the Proper Role of Government?
Statists / Socialists / Progressives (both Democrats and Republicans) cannot believe that returning to a time with lesser government is even workable. They cannot accept that individuals can make their way in the world without the hand of Government showing them the way, helping them with their choices, or even making choices for them? Charity and help, however, ALWAYS comes with THEIR strings attached.
The TEA Party / 9-12ers / Constitutionalists reject this notion as being not only “of the Nanny State” but as a complete repudiation of the Founders vision of private property, individual freedom, and free markets unfettered by Government interference.
Obama pretty much said the same thing:
What has always united us – what has always driven our people; what drew my father to America’s shores – is a set of ideals that speak to aspirations shared by all people: that we can live free from fear and free from want; that we can speak our minds and assemble with whomever we choose and worship as we please.
Note what he did there. Two additional “Live free from” Rights that don’t exist (but he and Kamala depend on the rotten education system that the Democrats have taken over such that our young’uns would take those in without protest or even knowing they’re fake. He did get two Rights correct but then abused the heck out of the last – we do NOT have the Right to Worship but the Free Expression thereof. And back then, and ever since, that “freedom to worship” was used by the Left as a cudgel – “Sure, you can worship within the four walls of your holy places; not so much in the Public Square.
It was used to push religion out of the American experience and certainly disallow those of faith to bring that faith into the public sphere.
Just ask Tampon Tim (Kam’s Veep who discriminated against churches during COVID).
We bump into the nature of Rights—negative and Positive. It is important to know the difference! Our Republic is predicated on Negative Rights: what the Government CANNOT do to you.
Socialism requires Positive Rights, which the Government is REQUIRED to do for you. The problem is, it generally turns out to be “to do TO you.”
Like this – count how many articles in our Bill of Rights, AS CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL, Kamala decided to disregard:
“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”
I think that’s a great example of her supporting “Freedom from gun violence,” don’t you think?
And I think I should do a whole post just on that quote – and given that she has said that “her values haven’t changed” (even if her policies have), you know that she will revert and try to do exactly that.