Mandate, Shmandate. Hello There Cliff, I’m Ready To Go

It seems the Republicans in Congress, that are still there, believe they’re wearing a “We held the House this past election, and all we got was this lousy T-Shirt!” T-shirt. And the wily Dems have no problem sidling up to the newly T-shirted and complementing them on its fit and trendiness, “you look fantastic!”

Who cares if the Dems claim they have a mandate, that’s what they’re supposed to do. You win, claim a mandate, and walk away. Let the losers stomp their feet, hold their breath until purple and then scream, “No mandate! Whaaa!!!”.  Meanwhile the winner goes on to plan what to do with the newly found illusory political capital. Remember when W. was re-elected? He claimed the same thing, and it drove the donkeys bonkers. So, buck up Republicans and don’t play into it, ignore it. Now, I’m just a lowly software pleb that annoys his neighbors occasionally with an acerbic blog or two and I know this. So, why don’t the paid politicians know this?

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I’d Like to Know What New Hampshire Democrats Think About This?

I’d like to know what New Hampshire Democrats think about this? Under President Obama’s healthcare law, the HHS can levy $100 per employee, per day against institutions that won’t comply with the (contraceptive) mandate. Therefore, religious employers with hundreds of employees could be fined millions of dollars each year. A 50-employee institution, for example, would … Read more

Obama: Charging A Penalty For Not Buying Insurance Bad…

The Web is brimming with the bitter bile of Obamhypocrsiy today.  (As it is most days).  But today seems particularly special.  First unpatriotic debt, and now The Divine Mr. O reminds us (Circa 2008) that charging people for not buying insurance is mean.  And he’s not mean like that. Except that he is.  (Are you … Read more

Obamacare – Unleash the IRS – Now it gets personal

by Skip

Conservatives have often said that Obamacare will fundamentally change the relationship between citizens and their Government.  With it being now declared as Constitutional, we may well no longer be citizens that have a Federal Government; we are now subjects as the Feds with the new regulations decreed by the Progressives and the IRS deemed to be the cop (as I posted here).

And it just bit me in the butt.  And it will change not just the relationship between the Govt and me, but also between me and my son.  And you all had better read this – it may well affect you as well.  In that previous post there were a number of things that individuals will have to cough up and “share”.

Sidenote: yeah, “share”.  Brings up the insinuation that you get to decide to share or not – you know, voluntary.  Just like when Democrats talk about the rich and “asking” them to pay their fair share.  They already are, and there is no “asking” – asking means the willingness to take “no” for an answer.  For the naive, there is no way that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are “asking” – they are demanding.

I left out some really important information from that post concerning how the IRS would determine if YOU had to pay a penalty, as I thought it really needed it’s own post and an extremely personal touch on my life that it will now place.  From the Fox Biz post (reformatted and emphasis mine):

And it’s the intrusiveness of the health reform law that has raised eyebrows. What does the IRS base your mandate penalty on? This is where it gets nutty.

… that the “IRS will need to determine a taxpayer’s compliance with the individual [insurance] mandate and assess a penalty if coverage is inadequate.”  However, the penalty isn’t based on just your personal net income. The penalty will be based on an entirely different number that is more than just your paycheck earnings — your ‘household income.’  “This determination is based on a concept of ‘household income,’” TAO has said, adding, “this may differ from the income reported on the taxpayer’s return, because it is a composite of all of the income reported by members of a taxpayer’s household — information that may not be readily accessible to the IRS.”

Or me.  Again, the concept of “household income” absolutely turns the former relationship between me and the IRS.  My info was the IRS’s info – they’d look at it, see if I did all the right things, if I paid the right amount of tax,and would let me know if they had decided if I was right or if they were right.  But it was just me and just them – a singly based relationship.

No more:

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I Could Hardly Be Happier…

There were only two outcomes from the Supreme Court that would be useful on the Patiend Affordable Care Act.  Complete repeal, or sustaining ObamaCare essentially unchanged.  The Supreme Court chose the latter, more or less.  And this is fine by me. America hates this bill.  A majority of states hate it.  Independents hate it.  But … Read more

DaTechGuy at Da Supreme Court

It’s another big week for ObamScare news as the legislative dumpster filled with the Patient Unaffordable blah blah blah bill gets a taxpayer funded rectal exam, before nine unelected lawyers, at the impressive edifice that is the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I’m not there.  I’m sure you couldn’t make it.  And … Read more

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