Durham NH, Unanimously Passes Public Face Mask Mandate with Fines up to $500.00

Durham, New Hampshire, via Zoom-Meeting, unanimously passed a public face-mask mandate last night. “[T]he goal of the ordinance and its enforcement by local law enforcement is compliance and to teach residents about the importance of protecting themselves and others, not to fine and distribute a summons.”

Related: If the Nashua Mask Ordinance is About Education You Are Teaching People a Lie

[T]he ordinance affects employees of all businesses, pedestrians on sidewalks and other areas within the Central Business, Professional Office, Church Hill and Courthouse zoning areas where 6 feet of physical distancing can’t be maintained, and patrons inside restaurants and bars who aren’t seated at a table.

Those who refuse to comply with the ordinance and wear a mask after conversing with local authorities will be fined $100. Second-time offenders will be fined $200, and those who don’t comply a third time and any subsequent instance will be fined $500.

This is an indoor/outdoor mask mandate. And it’s not to be pushy or totalitarian; this is about education. They are teaching the peasants to care about themselves and each other. If that sounds familiar, Nashua used the same excuse for the mask mandate they imposed weeks ago.

Keene is also milking the same sick, stupid cow. But there is widespread medical and professional opposition to general masking, even from that reliable right-wing rag, the New England Journal of Medicine.

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little if any, protection from infection.” That “The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”

What the liberals in Durham are doing is reflexive fear-mongering. Keeping the fire hot, and the worry high. And we could expect nothing less. They are first, and foremost, leftist dopes: repeaters and signal boosters of the party narrative.

General masking by the healthy and asymptomatic is not healthy and as far as I can tell serves only to keep everyone on a virus hair-trigger, which brings up another important point.

There are health and religious reasons for not wearing a mask. Since unmasked people, by Durham Town mandate, are now an at-risk minority, what are Todd Selig and the deck-chair rearrangers on the Town Titanic Band going to play to protect those folks from a majority-intolerant left-Wing college town population that will mistreat them as quickly and often as they please?

Have you seen some of these mask-wearing virus-phobes losing their minds over someone not wearing one?  Talk about hate crimes.

Durham Police Chief Rene Kelley said that he and his department would be carrying around extra face masks for residents and visitors to use if they don’t have one readily available for use.

“If they happen to come across someone not wearing a mask…. (they’ll) have a pleasant conversation, offer them a mask complements of Durham PD, hopefully they’ll heed our request and that will be the end of it,” he said.

At least until Durham disbands and defunds the police.

Are they allowed to approach people of color to ask them to wear masks or is that systemic racism?

And if you have a testing spike in September/October, despite the masks, will you send every student home for the health and safety of the community? Or, will you keep them there so they can vote, first?

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