Wal-Mart is Making Masks Mandatory

If you live somewhere that doesn’t mandate masks, we’ll call it a place with smart people who let adults make decisions, this will still impact you if you shop at Wal-Mart. The retailer has announced its own mask mandate beginning next Monday.

Related: More Research That Suggests Masks Don’t Work (on Viruses)

“Currently about 65 percent of our more than 5,000 stores and clubs are located in areas where there is some form of government mandate on face coverings. To help bring consistency across stores and clubs, we will require all shoppers to wear a face covering,” the retail giant said in a blog post..

There is zero evidence that making healthy people (no symptoms) wear a mask does anything. There is plenty of evidence that making them wear one serves no purpose. But Wal-Mart is a big #woke company and rather than allow local outlets to make the call based on local circumstances, they are doing what, for them, probably makes sense. One policy to rule them all.

That’s fine. I guess I won’t be shopping at Wal-Mart much anymore. Not for a while.

But that’s okay. There are a lot of other places that will take my money.

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