Another Dumb Constitutional Amendment….

The Democrat/Progressive Supermajority in Montpelier isn’t just oblivious to reality. They are actively hostile to it. One has to conclude that they are purposefully attempting to destroy our state economy because nobody could actually be this stupid by sheer accident.

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bloated school budgets

Overload in Public Schools. Or If You’d Rather: Overhead Bloat

My career was spent as a software engineer and consultant. The last twenty years of it were spent working for a manufacturing software vendor, and I spent a lot of time talking with both C-level leaders, the blue-collar workers on the shop floor, and everyone in between. The mantra, at least in well-run shops was:

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Do New Hampshire Democrats “Hate” The Poor or Are They Just Evil?

minimum_wage_fight_for_15I use the word hate in my title in the context in which it would be used by Democrats were Republicans engaged in some advertised priority they had spun as doing damage to some “protected” class of persons.

In this case, the object of the Left’s abuse is The Poor™ (often referred to inaccurately as ‘working families’), who are being herded around yet another progressive false idol. The higher minimum wage or living wage is a golden calf whose worship is sold as the path to better economic outcomes when it, in fact, delivers exactly the opposite.

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Merge The Departments of Education and Labor And Other Things To Make Liberals Mad

US-WhiteHouse-Logo.svgMr. Trump has some changes he’d like to make in Washington, and the Left is losing their mind.

The White House on Thursday announced its plan to merge the Departments of Labor and Education into a single Cabinet agency in order to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and streamline overlapping regulations and department functions.

The two departments would merge into the Department of Education and the Workforce (DEW), aimed at “meeting the needs of American students and workers, from education and skill development to workplace protection to retirement security,” according to a White House outline of the plan.

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If Democrats Really Want to See Wages Increase….

minimum wage cartoon payneEvery good New Hampshire Democrat knows that the best way to have an immediate impact on jobs and the economy is to increase the cost of doing business.  Making it cost more to run a business acts like a tax on the business owner, and Democrats love taxing business.

Enter HB127, An act relative to the state hourly minimum rate.

Rep Tim Horrigan and admitted socialist Peter Sullivan (New Hampshire Democrats), are unsatisfied with the machinations of the Federal government in the value of labor relative to the task at hand and are certain that they know better, not just than their Federal master in D.C., but better than every employer and employee in the entire Granite State, what any hour of labor is (at minimum) worth.

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Who killed the Twinkies??

Yep, Twinkies are about join the dodo birds and the woolly mammoths in the great waste can of history – and we have greedy union bosses to blame for all of the panic looks that the stoners are about to start getting when they realize that Twinkies are gone (not to mention a staple and major food group of State farm attendees everywhere – deep fried Twinkies!).

Yup, that favorite of kids everywhere and an adult guilty pleasure, has met its match.  The Left’s boots on the ground have decided that they will stick with the principle that they are owed the whole loaf and won’t settle for the half loaf (yeah, intentional, as Wonder bread will never get sliced again either).

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Decay Point

Hostess-strike-biddefordSocietal decay has many symptoms.  One of which that mottles our society like a cancerous blotch on the drooping bosom of freedom is the unending, unforgiving, and unyielding sense of entitlement –entitled to things coming not just from government, but directly from fellow citizens as well.

The expression supposedly uttered from Marie Antoinette to the people suffering from a bread shortage, “let them eat cake” has been transposed and inverted to the 21st century version of “let them never eat golden sponge cake again,” coming from not a Queen, but from a whaling union worker as a union strike eats the last Twinkie and a bakery shuts its doors, laying off 18,000 workers (if you want the details, Google it for yourself).

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Equality of Outcome is Irreconcilable with the Human Condition.

What Democrats suggest they want is not possible.  Equality of outcome is irreconcilable with the human condition.  As long as there is private property someone will always have something more or something  better than someone else.  People are and always will be and come from different circumstances, they will think and behave differently.  And all the things that make them who they are define the nature in which they will approach labor.   And there can be no equality of labor.

Someone will always be better at the same task than someone else.  They might be smarter, faster, stronger, more intellectuality agile, have a better eye, a steadier hand, they may try harder to please, or demonstrate some other acuity that separates them and their performance from others.  And because you cannot mandate the outcome of labor, you can never regulate equality, except to limit it by force, to the lowest common denominator, where the best anyone is permitted to be is the weakest link in the chain.  It is only in this manner that Government can affect an equality of outcome, by force.

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Roll Call-palooza – Another Democrat Taxpayer Swindle

New Hampshire Democrats, who benefit from taxpayer money laundered through public employee union dues into their campaign, are spending taxpayer dollars in the legislature to make sure they have sound bites and talking points to give to their union buddies to ensure the Aztec gold continues to flow moving forward.

Charlie Bass…”Leader of the PAC”

400019-100px.jpg According to this posting on (yes, we give credit/link when we reference the Libs’ blogs, even though they don’t credit us), Charlie Bass leads the "pack" in NH CD-2 for…wait for it… PAC campaign donations.  41% of total, to be clear.

Even before you see the evidence, do you really doubt this claim?  You shouldn’t.

Aside from Altria (formerly Philip-Morris), and the Republican Majority for Choice, one of Charlie’s more notable PAC contributors is the Republican Main Street Partnership PAC.  Charlie has been the President and CEO, as well as Board Member, of the self-described "centrist" group that this PAC supports.  The RMSP PAC also states that they are an "incumbent protection PAC".

Dudes!  Don’t you see the anti-incumbency storm coming on, hard and fast??  Every time I read about the squishy RMSP, I see more and more cluelessness.

I just checked the RMSP website and I no longer see Charlie listed as the President, as they recently elected Tom Davis (R-VA) to this position.  And, I find it odd that he disappears completely from the leadership of this organization during a primary race, when moderates all run right, and Charlie irreverently claims to be a "Conservative".  Perhaps he’s running stealthy and under cover?

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Carol Stands Up For…?

Carol Shea Porter has been accused of using the oil spill and related disasters as a way to get campaign contributions.    In response her campaign manager, Angela Ruslander, said this in her defense. “Carol Shea-Porter is standing up to BP and other big corporations who are irresponsibly hurting our environment and our economy.”    Wait it gets better.  … Read more

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