A Lot of RTK Tax Supporters Support Kelly Ayotte

As endorsements are coming in for all candidates for all offices, like last night’s floodwaters, I want to call attention to some of Kelly Ayotte’s “problem endorsers.” No, I’m not talking big-time Deep State people, businesses, and organizations, but people that any respectable Nashua homegrown candidate for any office should shun.

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Lily Tang Williams

Candidates Night in the Lakes Region

Every election year, Norm Sibler invites folks and Republican candidates to his home to meet and speak. (By the way, the views from his home are spectacular.) And there was pretty much a full house, including both gubernatorial candidates and those running for local, state, and federal office.

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Larry Hogan and Kelly Ayotte

Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders—regardless of party—must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

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GOP Campaign Strategy – The Governor’s Race

My guess is that if our primary is decided on personality, then Ayotte will win due to higher name recognition and having won a statewide election.
And my guess is that if the primary is decided on policy that Morse will win. He has a long history of enacting the policies that have made NH the best state in the nation.

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Ayotte in sidecar of McCain motorcycle

Nobody Touches Amnesty-Ayotte

The names and faces may change, but the NHGOP always remains a corrupt, inept, out-of-touch political country club that does NOT represent GOP voters, AND indeed actually loathes and despises actual GOP voters. This is just the latest example.

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Kelly Ayotte

Night Cap – Op-Ed In Support Of Kelly Ayotte for Governor

As we all know, Kelly Ayotte is running for Governor to keep NH Safe,Prosperous, and Free. That is why I support her 1000%. Her accomplishments include being the first and only female NH Attorney General, who was also reappointed Twice. She was also Deputy AG, Top murder prosecutor, US Senator, and the list goes on and on.

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Kelly Ayotte

Night Cap: Illegal Immigration … The Magic Carpet

In 2020, during what passed as the Democrat primary, Joe Biden pledged that he would open the border. If … IF … you really cared about protecting America from an illegal immigrant invasion, you would have gotten 100 percent behind Trump. Did Ayotte? Did Sununu? Did Mikey Graham? NO, NO and NO. Just the opposite.

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Chuck Morse


A Christmas Story is a well known movie in my family. While it very much annoys my mother that anyone would watch the same movie more than once, my father and my sisters and I know it by heart. Readers might ask why I would think about such a movie in March and my answer is that Ed Mosca made me do it.

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Kelly Ayotte

What, Just Exactly, Is “MASSing Up New Hampshire”

So … Kelly Ayotte’s campaign is based on not letting the Democrats “MASS up New Hampshire.” More specifically, Ayotte’s contention is that New Hampshire is just one election away from turning into Massachusetts because her potential Democrat opponents, Joyce Craig and Cindy Warmington, would turn New Hampshire into a “sanctuary state.”

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