Governor Ayotte: NH Will Not Comply with Burdensome Lobster Fishing Regulations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2025 CONTACT CONCORD, N.H. – Today, Governor Kelly Ayotte sent a letter to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission notifying them that New Hampshire will not comply with new guidelines increasing the minimum size for lobsters caught in the Gulf of Maine. “New Hampshire’s commercial fishing industry is a proud part of … Read more

Kelly Ayotte Inauguration speech

ICYMI – Governor Ayotte’s Inaugural Address

Transcript above, Video below. Mr. Speaker, Madame President, Mr. Chief Justice, honorable members of the House, Senate, Councilors, former Governors, my fellow citizens: It is humbling to stand before you today. It’s so wonderful to see so many of my family here, especially my parents. Thank you! In this chamber, I see friends, colleagues, and dedicated … Read more

Will Our New Governor Do Right By HER CITY?

Please humor me for a moment, close your eyes, and picture the Mr Bean meme.  It’s a quartet of him standing with his hands on his hips, looking at his watch, sitting Indian style, and lying down.  The caption says, “Me waiting for (insert long-awaited item here).”  I’m starting with that exercise because, just like … Read more

John Formella

Formella’s Future; How Soon Will We Know?

New Hampshire’s attorney general recently made the news by becoming the new National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) president. I’m going to rain on his parade for the moment and point out a few things, one of them being that his predecessor in that very position got elected in NY on a “get Trump” platform.  … Read more

Ayotte Ready to Help Trump Deport Illegals

Governor-Elect Kelly Ayotte is on the record as ready to assist President Trump with the deportation of illegal aliens. “Part of the way we keep New Hampshire safe is making sure that we have dangerous criminals off our streets. If there are those that are on the terror watch list, they shouldn’t be on our … Read more

Ayotte Says Mass ‘Sanctuary Insanity’ Won’t Come to NH [But It’s Already Here]

Governor-Elect Ayotte ran successfully on a slogan we put on shirts, mugs, stickers, and barware: “Don’t Mass up New Hampshire.” Her campaign’s take was slightly different, and on the whole, neither is original. Granite Staters have been mumbling about Massholes (I suspect) for as long as there’s been a Union. More so, since the cradle … Read more


AGs Office Warns of Scams – Forgets To Include Itself

The Patch has a useful story today with details from the NH Attorney General’s Office. Holiday Scams are a problem, and they felt they should warn Granite Staters to be wary. Someone is pretending to be from law enforcement, telling marks they missed a court date and there is a warrant out for their arrest. … Read more


Joyce Craig’s Tax Chaos!

New Hampshire has been doing something crazy. Lowering taxes. Business taxes have systematically been reduced for years. Small. Incremental. Persistent. Drew Cline wrote a piece debunking the lies that this harmed New Hampshire somehow. The Republican Legislature also repealed the state’s only tax on income (we don’t have a traditional income tax on individual wages) … Read more

Scylla and Charybdis

You’re looking at the menu, and there are just two choices.  It’s beef and chicken, but you’re a vegetarian.  You don’t want to starve, but what do you do?  We’ve recently heard from two intelligent and very respectable people, Doris and Jose.  Many of us are or were already familiar with the merits of their … Read more

The WNBA, Manchester, Caitlin Clark, and Kelly Ayotte

Maybe it’s due to some algorithm that I don’t understand, but hoop star Caitlin Clark has been on my newsfeed constantly for several weeks—even after her Indiana Fever’s early WNBA playoff departure. With the possible exception of Babe Ruth, Caitlin’s probably done more to promote her sport and her league than anyone else ever has. … Read more

John Formella

Fickle Formella, What Will Our Next Governor and Executive Council Do?

Today is a good day to revisit my previous article about Formella because the dropping of charges against the Elbit vandals had to have been approved by him, either actively or passively.  Either way, it’s happening on his watch as the ship’s captain.  NH Journal posted, “Formella’s office did not respond to a request for … Read more

Please Stop Feeding the RINOs

There is no upside to electing Kelly Ayotte over Joyce Craig. Ayotte will maneuver with stealth in favor of anti-freedom policies and will be difficult for many Republicans to go against. Those same policies initiated by Craig would be resoundingly opposed by Republicans. Donald Trump has been continually battling establishment Republicans. There are many, including Gov. Sununu, … Read more

Do you want to Make America Healthy Again?

Don’t vote for Ayotte . . . unless she recants what she wrote in her 2019 pandemic book: Ending the Cycle of Crisis and Complacency in U.S. Global Health Security. In her book Ayotte discusses the need to: Much of so-called “misinformation” that was censored during the 2020 Covid pandemic turned out to be quite accurate. … Read more

Is Kelly Ayotte against Free Speech?

In her book on pandemic planning, “Ending the Cycle of Crisis and Complacency in U.S. Global Health Security,” Ayotte supports state censorship of social media. This book was written before the pandemic! You can look for yourself. She mentions “disinformation” seven times, promoting the need for state censorship. “…the credibility of the scientific and medical … Read more

Poll Says Kelly is Kicking Chuck’s Backside

Chuck Morse supporters got some bad news this week. The latest Granite State poll is out, and Ms. Ayotte has a commanding lead among self-identified Republican primary voters. Forty-four points. The good news for the Morsels is that these affairs are low turnout, and if you can GOTV with conviction, there’s a very real opportunity … Read more

Super 603 Day & Other Thoughts

Most people who have been paying attention for quite some time already knew the writing was on the walls.  The state Royal Family has selected Kelly Ayotte to be the darling favorite candidate for governor.  It was obvious that Papa Smurf already approved her and just a matter of time before Baby Huey would make … Read more

A Lot of RTK Tax Supporters Support Kelly Ayotte

As endorsements are coming in for all candidates for all offices, like last night’s floodwaters, I want to call attention to some of Kelly Ayotte’s “problem endorsers.” No, I’m not talking big-time Deep State people, businesses, and organizations, but people that any respectable Nashua homegrown candidate for any office should shun.

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Lily Tang Williams

Candidates Night in the Lakes Region

Every election year, Norm Sibler invites folks and Republican candidates to his home to meet and speak. (By the way, the views from his home are spectacular.) And there was pretty much a full house, including both gubernatorial candidates and those running for local, state, and federal office.

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Larry Hogan and Kelly Ayotte

Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders—regardless of party—must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

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The Case for Chuck Morse

I will start by saying that I was saving this statement as a draft for filing time in 2 weeks, but I was really annoyed by the deceptive and disingenuous NH Journal article promoting Kelly Ayotte and thought “why not NOW?”

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