Please Stop Feeding the RINOs

Doris Hohensee

There is no upside to electing Kelly Ayotte over Joyce Craig. Ayotte will maneuver with stealth in favor of anti-freedom policies and will be difficult for many Republicans to go against. Those same policies initiated by Craig would be resoundingly opposed by Republicans.

Donald Trump has been continually battling establishment Republicans. There are many, including Gov. Sununu, who attempted to defeat Trump during the 2024 primary. Sununu campaigned for Nikki Haley in a attempt to defeat Trump even after Trump won the NH primary.

During a campaign rally in Bullhead, Arizona, Trump said:

“I’m running against the left-wing mob and the left-wing media, the big tech giants, and I’m also running against the RINOs. Do you know what RINO is? A RINO may be the lowest form of human life.”

Back in 2016 Aaron Day ran as an independent candidate to knock Ayotte out of the U.S. Senate. He didn’t like establishment Republicans with a liberal voting record. Her vote for Medicaid expansion in the U.S. Senate, her interference in the NH House Speaker race in opposition to conservative Bill O’Brien, and her lack of support for Trump pushed Day to run against Ayotte, who did in fact lose her seat to a Democrat.

Jim Rubens called Day’s run and the support he received “a revolt against establishment corruption.” The base Republican voter “simply will not swallow the lesser of two evils under any circumstance,” Rubens said. There has to be a breaking point. Where is that breaking point?

We can look at RINO Sununu’s actions to get a clue as to what Sununu-endorsed Ayotte would do. Sununu effectively suspended the NH Constitution during the 2020 pandemic. Faced with protesters near his house after turning his residence into his new governor’s office, his brother got his town of Newfield to pass a new picketing ordinance to ban the protestors. Sununu used the police to intimidate his opposition and end the protest. The protestors along with a reporter were arrested, but they were later found not guilty.

Peaceful protesters attended an executive council meeting in 2021 to oppose $27 million in federal funds to create a Covid-19 database that would be used to track the vaccination status of every NH resident. Sununu packed the room with dozens of state troopers, again using the police to intimidate his opposition. Sununu had nine protestors arrested. They too were later found not guilty. 

Conservatives were upset, and rightly so. Free speech died under Sununu. His conduct destroyed his base and led to his decision not to run for re-election.

Ayotte is massively funded by unnamed out-of-state donors, not local voters. During a gubernatorial primary debate Ayotte laughed at, mocked, and belittled Chuck Morse, and refused to answer his questions about her liberal record, i.e., voting for amnesty for illegals, etc. These are standard Democrat “debate” tactics. Kamala Harris used the very same ones against Trump. It’s dishonest, but effective: Ayotte won the primary, after all. 

Ayotte went public in her 2019 pandemic playbook, “Ending the Cycle of Crisis and Complacency in U.S. Global Health Security,” recommending censorship of “disinformation” on social media and submission to the World Health Organization during a pandemic. How much clearer does she have to be that she does not respect free speech, medical freedom, or state and national sovereignty?

Consider John Kerry:

Ayotte is no different from Kerry in his fight against “disinformation” and the First Amendment. Both are attorneys who understand the law and both consider our most basic and fundamental rights to be “blocks” to authoritarian rule. At what point are conservative Republicans going to say “enough”?

Ayotte has promised to follow in Sununu’s path. Well, remember that his path included the lockdown and destruction of thousands of “nonessential” NH businesses, clubs and social activities.


Republican Gov. Chris Sununu [ordered]… in-person operations of nonessential businesses to close and telling New Hampshire’s residents to stay home to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Sununu said all businesses not exempted by the order must suspend all in-person operations at midnight on Friday. Grocery stores, gas stations, hardware stores, liquor stores, health care facilities, restaurants, news media, manufacturers and even breweries are exempt. Construction will also be allowed to continue. … all state beaches along the seacoast would be forced to close at midnight Friday….

“Beyond the essential necessities, you should not be leaving your home,” Sununu said.

Remember the censorship on social media, and the arrests of peaceful protestors exercising their right to free speech. Stand up for yourself and your principles.

Please stop feeding the RINOs.

Better an open enemy than a false friend.


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