Amendment 1

A Nation of Outlaws

There is an idea that many people — but especially constitutional law students, who then go on to be public officials — have not been exposed to, which is that there is a proper order to the questions that should be asked when formulating public policy.

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Trump Ford Truck Parody Screen Grab

President Trump Sets Another Record

President Trump’s economy is impressive. Record employment for minorities. Record wage growth, especially among lower and middle-class workers. All great things created by tax cuts and trade policy and deregulation. But he’s got another record about which to crow.

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Why judges shouldn’t be lawyers

justiceWe seem to take it for granted that, when it’s time to pick a new judge for an appellate court, we should look at people who are already serving as judges on lower courts.  And when we’re filling vacancies on those lower courts, it seems natural that we should look at lawyers who have been successful, whether in private practice or public positions.

So the whole judicial branch ends up being staffed by former lawyers.

And that is a huge problem.  Because being a lawyer is the worst possible training for being a judge.

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GrokTALK! – South Korea Consults NH on Right to Know

Some folks from South Korea, complete with interpreters, paid a visit to CNHT and chairman Ed Naile to learn about Right to Know (RTK) as a tool to fight government corruption. Ed shares some details from the meeting, then it’s on to the NH AG, judges, and what passes for Justice in the Granite State. … Read more

Egypt’s New Boss Same as the Old Boss…with a Side of Arab Winter?

Morsi declares himself new powers Eqyptians light stuff on fire to celebrateOn Thanksgiving the Muslim Brotherhoods Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (Morsy) declared himself immune to judicial oversight (See also King, Dictator, Tyrant).  In the name of protecting the revolution no judge may overturn, edit, retract, modify, overrule, or otherwise act in any manner to alter any edict the new King of Egypt utters…until the (cough cough) people’s assembly has been elected and a new constitution has been written….

So none of that overturning executive orders nonsense, judges can’t stop them, and  any lawsuits directed at the folks at the top of the power pyramid are hereby vacated.

Some “animals” are again more equal than others.

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